The Group Chat Returns

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Guess who's back.
Back again.
Group Chat's back.
Tell a friend.

Woohoo! It's back ya'll! My personal favorite chapter, "The Group Chat"! I had so much fun writing it. And I figured it's a good way to mix in some humor, while still having a very serious plot at the same time. Hope you enjoy!<3


(This takes place the day after the cooking competition, Bakugou and Deku are in the same room, and everybody else is in their separate dorms.)

--Loveable Nerd is online---

Loveable Nerd: Sup you buncha female dogs

Uraraka: Woah

Alien: Wtf

Bolt: Where did that come from?

--Loveable Nerd changed 'Bolt' to 'Pikachu'--

Pikachu: I think Bakugou has a bad influence on you

Mom: Agreed

Red Riot: Yaoyorozu? Who changed her name to mom?

Todoroki: I did

--Loveable Nerd changed 'Todoroki' to 'Peppermint'--

Peppermint: Midoriya, are you okay?

Loveable Nerd: I'm fine as fine can be bish

Jiro: Yeah he's not fine

Uraraka: Obviously

--Pikachu changed 'Loveable Nerd' to 'Baby angry pomeranian'--

Baby angry pomeranian: Really

Baby angry pomeranian: I'm not that bad you idiots

Red Riot: You never know

Hagakure: Did my precious Izuku just call us idiots!?

Alien: Hey! I should be saying that!

Mom: Okay, let's not argue through text

Baby angry pomeranian: Are you guys that dense?

Peppermint: What do you mean?

Baby angry pomeranian: Hey! Give that back! No, stop that1!I Let me go!hiukjfduykgjurjfdshjmbjb

Peppermint: He turned on audio

Uraraka: Is he okay!?

Iida: I'll go check on him

Uraraka: No!

Iida: What?

Uraraka: I'll do it

Iida: How come?

Pikachu: Bro, Midoriya and Uraraka are basically soulmates if Midoriya wasn't gay

Red Riot: True

Pikachu: He trusts her more than anyone

Jiro: And Bakugou

Pikachu: Oh, yeah him too

Peppermint: Round of applause for Kaminari everybody

Mom: 👏👏

Red Riot: 👏👏

Iida: I will participate in Kaminari's stupidity 👏👏

Pikachu: What?

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