8: Only Friend

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I lean to her as I reach for her seatbelt and put it on her.

I can smell her scent by the short distance between us, and it smells so dreamy I can't even explain.

As usual, I blushed as my body feels close to her. But Sophie didn't even jerk, she's just looking at me.

I wonder, If she feels the same way I feel whenever I'm near her.

I started to drive. I picked her up at the library and now we're on our way to our dorm for the birthday dinner.

I don't know what to feel. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

It's my first time introducing a girl to my brothers, and I hope they won't say anything stupid about me or I'll kick their asses.

And I'm also nervous if Sophie will like the boys, because I myself, didn't like them at first.

"I hope you'll like the boys. They're really nice even it doesn't show, at first glance." I chuckled.

"Everyone has a good heart. But sometimes, they just let the world overtake them."

I wonder if it's because she loves reading that's why her words are always so deep... but meaningful.

I glanced at her over the side mirror. She's wearing a white dress, as always. But the style is always different too. She seemed to fix her hair because it's braided like a crown, which really suited her.

She's looking outside with full attention, like it's her first time seeing those things.

Then she suddenly beamed at me, "I'm excited! It's my first time going to a birthday party."

I was taken aback, "Aren't you invited by your friends before?"

"You're my only friend, Yoongi."

You're my only friend, Yoongi.

I don't know if I should be sad, because im her only friend.

Or should be happy because of the same reason?

But why. Sophie is so nice, why doesn't she have any friends?

I want to ask why but she suddenly opened her mouth to say something, "My oppa said I should be home by eight."

Oppa? So she has an older brother. But it's already six in the evening, eight is too early. It's like she's not a teen anymore. She's an adult.

I think it's because she's fragile, too nice for this world that's why her brother seems to overprotect her.

But who am I to complain? Every time spent with her should be cherished.

"Okay. I'll drive you home by eight."


We're walking inside the dorm right now. I gaze at her, her eyes exploring.

She's holding a small blue paper bag, which I guess is a gift for Jungkook. I wonder what is it because she never asked me about Jungkook.

And I feel jealous because I also want a gift from her. Should I tell her that I'll celebrate my birthday soon, too?

Even though it's already September and my birthday is March, she'll never know right?

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