21: Destiny

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I can't contain myself. I want to go to Sophie and ask her if she really went to our dorm last night.

I know I sound crazy, like in hell she will do that? And how can she even enter the dorm, our doors are all locked.

But I swear, the moment she touched me, there's no pain anymore. And my hand is okay now like nothing happened, it just left me little scars that are barely noticeable.

I hope she can touch my heart too so the pain inside me will vanish.

Where should I go? Her house, university, or library?

The sunset's over so I guess I should go to their house.

I don't know what I'm thinking, I unconsciously grabbed my keys and drive.

I'm excited yet afraid to see her.

Excited because I will get the chance to see and hopefully, talk to her after few fucking months.

And afraid because she might ask me why? Why didn't I fight for her?

Also afraid that she might leave me again.

But I cleared all those thoughts, and finally I'm here in their house.

It's already night time and the moon is shining so bright, I wish she could see it.

I stopped the car in front of their house, but I saw another car stopped in front of me.

I thought it's her oppa, but it's not. The car isn't the same as I saw it before.

A guy got out from the driver's seat, he seems fine...but I'm better of course. I guess he's the same age as me.

After a few seconds, Sophie got out from the shotgun seat.

My body felt hot like I was on fire.

With my hand formed into a fist, I slammed my car's door and walk right into them.

"Yoongi!" Sophie was shocked.

"Who are you?" I asked the guy cooly with my hands on my pocket, so he can't see that's it's ready to punch him.

"Jophiel? Do you know him?" The guy asked.

I gritted my teeth at the sound of him calling her Jophiel.

Sophie was about to answer but I moved closer to the guy, to intimidate him, "I said who. are. you?"

I was about to punched him but he held my knuckles.

Im surprised that he's strong. Stronger than me.

Sophie grabbed my forearm to stop me, "Please Yoongi stop!"

I felt electricity from my forearm to my entire body as our skin touched one another.

I'm in a fight. I should keep a lion face, but this girl makes me smile.

"Ohhh. So he's that Yoongi guy," the guy said while crossing his arms at me. He looked at me from head to toe like he was judging me.

"Yeah and who are you?"

"I'm her friend," he emphasized the word friend by saying it slowly.

I remembered what Sophie told me,

You're my only friend, Yoongi.

It hurts. Hurts like hell knowing she found another friend now.

I turned to Sophie and I looked directly into her eyes, "You said I'm your only friend?"

She suddenly closed her eyes.

She closed her eyes to break the eye contact.

She doesn't want to see me.

I felt tears on my cheeks.

I shook her forearm, "Sophie... why are you doing this to me! Tell me please!"

She's not answering, her eyes still closed.

She's disgusted of me, she hates me. That's why she doesn't even want to look at me.

Open your eyes Sophie, please let me see.

I want to see the light from it.

I want to see life once again.

I saw tears running from her eyes as well.

Please don't cry. It makes me broken just to see you cry.

"Stopped it!" The guy pulled us apart then he grabbed Sophie away from me.

"Hey! Who are you? You aren't his boyfriend so stop acting like you are!" I shouted on him.

"And so do you," he answered hardly.


Who am I in her life anyways?

"Sophie I just want to talk. I promise I won't bother you anymore after-"

"Stop this nonsense!" His oppa cut me as he got out from his car.

"Sophie, go inside," he commanded.

"Sophie wait!" I tried to reach her but her oppa pushed my hand.

I watched her as she disappeared from my sight with that fucking guy assisting her.

She left me again, without any words at all.

"I told you to stop, why are you so persistent?" His oppa asked me.

"I.... I love her."

It's the first time.

It's the first time I told someone about my feelings.

And I used the word love.

Which for me is a really great word that comes with an even greater responsibility.

He scoffed, "You don't know what you're saying, you're just blinded."

"Blinded? If I was just blinded then I should've stopped the moment she asked me to. But you say I'm persistent right? It's because I love her."

He shook his head, "You're still young, you'll find someone-"

"No." I cut him. I don't want the thoughts of having someone other than Sophie.

I continued, "She's the one, the only one for me."

"I told you. You can't be together or both of you will get hurt. Do you want to see Sophie hurting?" He eyed me.

I shook my head no, "Of course not. But I don't understand. I won't hurt her, never."

"You won't. But destiny will," he patted my back and left.

Fuck you destiny.

Fuck you for choosing us as your toys.

Are you enjoying the drama right now? Or you're wishing for more?

But sorry I can't take any bitterness inside me anymore. I'm too full I think I'll explode.

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