45: Sick

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Good morning Sophie! Have a nice day.

I texted Sophie before hopping into the van going to work. MAMA is approaching so soon so we're practicing really hard. The last time I'm with her was the night I slept in her bed, and that was weeks ago.

I rarely text anyone so I don't know if I should include a heart emoji or no? People use it often nowadays but whatever. I'll make her feel my love even without emojis.

The boys started to talk to me again, and things are getting calmer between us. Except for Namjoon, of course. We only talk when it's needed, other than that nope.

I hope we can be in good terms again, but he still refuses to believe me. He still thinks of me as a cheater. Well I know he shouldn't be bothered because it's not his life anyways, but Sophie is involved. It's obvious that he cares about her that's why he's acting like this.

And Eris, she's still working for us. I can't find any ways to fire her so I think all I can do as of the moment is to just stay away from her. And these past few days I'm doing pretty good by keeping a distance from her.


The rehearsals was tiring, as always. But we're doing good, almost close to perfection.

We were eating lunch then my phone beeped. I hurriedly grabbed it from my bag knowing it's a message from her... because nobody texts me other than her.

From Jophiel ❤️:
Good noon, Yoongi. I also hope you're having a great day so far.

My lips automatically curved into a smile. She said noon because it's already lunch time but I texted her good morning, I don't know why I found it cute.

I'm good. How bout you?

I'm sick.

Sick? What does she mean by that? Sick of everything or literally sick?

Sick? Why? What happened?

I replied so fast like a lightning.

Slight fever and... I don't know. I shouldn't get sick.

Are you home? Drink lots of water. That's fine, people normally get sick especially in this cold weather.

But I'm not fine, I'm concerned about her. She's so fragile and that gave me the thoughts to escape from here to check on her.

But I'm no normal Yoongi...

Oh shoot.

Angels don't get sick right? Her body isn't the same as ours? Then why did she catch a fever all of a sudden?

Something's definitely not right.

I quickly jolted up from my seat, "I need to go."

The boys stopped eating and turned to look at me.

Namjoon was about to open his mouth but Hoseok interrupted, "Nah hyung. We still have rehearsals."

"But this is really urgent!"

"What happened?" Jin hyung asked with one of his eyebrows raised up.

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