New Job

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Tucker had gathered everyone around the dinner table, he had an announcement to make.
"Everyone, I wanted to tell all of you, I got a new job. Not being in my armour for a while has gotten to me. I'll be down at the bar on Saturday-Wednesday every week, but the hours are flexible."
Everyone congratulated him and talked for a while about getting jobs themselves. Meanwhile Kai was thinking of the proper way to tell him she started dating someone else and were going to go to that bar tonight for a date. She finally pulled him aside while everyone else was cleaning up after themselves.
"Tucker, I am truly happy for you for getting the job and moving forwards, however, I may have started dating a guy on our last week there. I want to tell you because, we are going to that bar tonight."
"Thanks for telling me, but like, I got over you." In reality, Tucker was hurt by this fact. He always saw them ending up together.
"Oh, um okay. That's great!" Kai was relieved that Tucker wasn't jealous or anything, but she sort of wanted to make him jealous,"you're the only one I've told so, can you keep a secret?"
"Anything for my friend."
Grif came around the corner and let out a childish,"ooooooohhhh" Kai shooed him away and Tucker assured him it wasn't like that.

~time skip~

Kai checked her phone for the forth time. She had been sitting at a table for two for half an hour now.
Tucker, as if a sign from the universe, was her waiter.
"Hey Kai, can I start you off with a drink while you wait?"
"Yeah that's probably good. I'll take some vodka."
"Sounds good, and out of personal interest, when is the mystery man coming?"
"He's supposed to be here!"
Just then, Kai finally received a text from him:
"Sorry I can't make it babe, I got held up at the office:)"
She was devastated, they had been dating for two months!
"What do you mean held up. It's 11:00!"
"You don't believe me do you. For the record, I was cheating on you the second day we were dating so you're not as interesting as you give yourself credit for!"
"What are you saying, you've been cheating on me!"
"Did you seriously think I work at an office!? I came home and texted you at 3a.m. Every night! Not only are you boring, your dumb as hell also. I'm glad we aren't together anymore!"
The tears started building up. Kai read the last text over and over again. The tears fell as she typed
Tucker swung by with the vodka.
"Would you like me to bring the rest of the bottle out? We can celebrate you getting back on your feet."
Kai looked at him, tears streaming down her face.
"Don't bother..."
Tucker studied her reaction
"That Lil Bitch!"
He ran to the back and asked the manager if he could go home for the night and gained acceptance.
He ran back out to Kai chugging her vodka.
"On second thought, bring out the bottle Tucker!"
"I had something better in mind."
He extended his hand and Kai took it. He asked her if she wanted food and he got her frozen yogurt.
"You don't have to do this Tucker, it isn't your fault."
"It's what friends do, besides, do you really want to tell everyone else that you got dumped by someone they didn't even know you are dating?"
Kai looked down,"I guess not..."
Tucker pulled into her driveway.
"Then just trust me, I will take care of you."
Tucker helped her into her apartment and told her to pick a movie. He then sat on the couch next to her and wrapped a blanket around her.
"Yes Kai"
"Why are you being so nice to me, after everything I put you through. It's just a breakup, I don't understand why you are so upset about a guy leaving me?"
"I'm not upset that he broke up with you. I'm upset by the fact that you seemed fully willing to drink yourself to death because of one dickwad who stood you up and dumped you!"
Kai pondered for a bit. He was completely correct, she is always a bit tipsy, it probably wasn't a good idea to chug down another. Tucker then wrapped an arm around her.
"Just know that whatever happens, I am here for you girl."
Kai finished her yogurt and dried her tears.
"Thanks, I just needed to know that at least one person cared about me..." she trailed off
"Then you obviously haven't talked to your brother, Simmons, Caboose, Sarge, and basically the rest of the team that calls you family."
Kai smiled then tackled Tucker on the couch.
"Thank you." She laid her head on his chest. Tucker smiled, he thought to himself, I did good, her mind is off him. He then turned out the lights and drifted to sleep with Kai in his arms.

Kai x Tucker RVBOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora