Baby Time

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Tucker was at work but was given a few days of family leave. Kai was due any day now, it has already been nine months since the first testing was done. Tucker wasn't going to let Kai be alone, so whenever he was at work, someone else was with her.
This time it was Simmons' shift and Kai's water broke. She called Tucker and told him to get off work and head to the hospital, Simmons was taking her now. When he got there he rushed into Kai's room and held her hand. "How are you doing babe?"
"It's alright, except for the sharp pain I get about every five minutes!"
"That means you're close."
Simmons stood up and walked towards them, "I'm so glad we just finished the nursery a few days ago."
Kai screamed as another contraction came on.
"Get the doctor guys!"
Tucker stormed out of the room and alerted the staff on how close she was to giving birth.
He ushered the doctor back into the room. Simmons went to meet Grif out in the lobby.
Tucker held her hand and comforted her the entire way.
"You're doing great!" He yelled as the doctor assisted in pulling the child out.
She finally came out and Kai started breathing heavily. The doctor handed her the child and Tucker looked at it with her.
"Hey, it looks like you." He said with a smirk on his face.
"God you are such an idiot!" She said back.
Tucker refused to leave her until they were both home and back to normal. The doctor released her three days later. Tucker helped get her set up and helped ice her vagina. He stayed with her for five days after making sure she has everything she needed.
Grif and Simmons finally got to take home the girl. They named her Red after their team.

Kai x Tucker RVBΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα