Planning Phases

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Simmons and Grif called Kai to come over. It seemed extremely urgent so Kai got there ASAP. When she stepped into the house there was nobody there.
"Hello..... Grif... Simmons?!"
"We're up here!"
Kai walked up the stairs and saw paint canisters scattered around a doorway. She walked into the room to the two of them fighting.
"Grif, the child is a girl. Let's just paint the room pink and be done with!"
"Yes Simmons! It's a girl I know! Do we really need to colour code the room, are we going to forget!"
"I wish our child was out of the womb so that we could just ask her!"
Kai interrupts
"Boys! Did you guys seriously call me over here to help choose the room colour!"
Grif squinted his eyes at Simmons,
"Well we would be painting already, but Simmons is insisting that cleverly hiding the real parents colours in the paint job is stupid!"
"Because it is! Aqua and Yellow doesn't scream our delicate baby girl quite like a nice pastel pink!"
They both stopped arguing and looked at Kai, "WHAT!"
She sighed, "You know I'm colourblind right."
They looked at each other, then back at Kai.
"Sorry about that, we just."
Grif took Simmons hand.
"That was our first real fight."
Kai sighed, "I thank you guys for trying to be generous, but me and Tucker can raise the child. Really."
Simmons shook off Grif's hand and placed a hand on Kai's shoulder.
"We're sorry. And we were looking for a child anyways. This isn't us trying to push ourselves, this is us killing two birds with one stone."
Kai smiled, "I guess you're right. I've just been thinking for too long." Grif rounded the doorway,
"You're welcome to join us for dinner. We'll try not to kill each other at the table."
Simmons sighed and walked out after him.
Kai finally got a good look at the room. It was spacious, and had an attached closet that was already filled with supplies. The bathroom was right next door, and there were boxes from Ikea with pictures of a crib, shelves, and even a rocking chair. They are building a proper nursery. Kai went downstairs to join them.
"Hey, right on time sis. Soups up!"
Simmons set the table and served everyone.
"You guys are going to be good dads." Kai said reassuringly. Simmons and Grif looked at each other and both started talking.
"We de..cid..ed" they stopped then Grif started again, "we decided on having all three colours in the room somewhere. Worst that can happen is the child thinks Donut is his dad as well." They all laughed and ate dinner.

Kai returned home to Tucker dramatically spinning around in a chair.
"And just where were you young lady." She smiled
"Relax, I just went to go defuse a fight between my brother and Simmons."
Tucker got out of the chair and hugged Kai. "I'm just happy to see you." He pulled away and grabbed her hand. "Come here, I want to show you something." He lead her to the couch and had her sit down. He placed a fancy card into Kai's hand. Kai looked at every detail.
"Our wedding invitations?"
"Yeah, I have a coworker whose sister really likes to make nice things like this."
He sat next to her and pointed to some blank lines.
"We just need to put the date here."
Kai looked at him.
"It's great Tucker."
He put an arm around her.
"So what were the dads fighting about?"
"What colour to paint the room."
Tucker looked at her confused,
"So, they called the colourblind mother to make a decision?"
"Yeah." Tucker took the invite from her and put it away.
"How much longer until the girl is out?"
"Just three more months."
Tucker rubbed her belly,
"Will she have good dads?"
"The best."

Kai x Tucker RVBWhere stories live. Discover now