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Tucker had to go back to his job right after coming home for the night. Kai wanted to do something special for him since he's been working so hard and as an apology for what happened at the cabin.
She set up a night in at her apartment, just like the one they had the night she was dumped. Tucker usually came over to her apartment after work anyways, but to make sure he did, she told him to buy eggs. She also prepared a romantic dinner for two by herself.
Tucker finally came home with the eggs and went to the kitchen. He found Kai in a nice cocktail dress standing at the table,
"Let me get that for you." She said and took the eggs from him.
"So this is what you've been up to."
"Just for you babe."
She put the eggs in the fridge, Tucker took a seat and looked at the home cooked dinner in front of him.
"Grif give you this recipe?"
"What gave it away?"
"There's lays chips on the side."
She laughed and turned on some music. Tucker then asked her,
"Why did you do this for me?"
She smiled at him
"Can't I do something extremely nice for my hardworking boyfriend?"
He smirked, "how nice?"
She laughed and they both ate their dinner.
Kai then grabbed the plates and put them in the dishwasher. Then went back to Tucker and reached out her hands, "I have something better in mind." Tucker questioned a weird sense of déjà vu but went with it. Kai plopped him on the couch and turned on the same movie as they were watching the first time. Tucker then caught on, "You're trying to replicate that night aren't you?"
"Yeah, but this time the guy didn't keep me waiting." She pushed him over on the couch like she did the first time. "Love you boo." She said as she laid down on top of him. He smiled, "Same."

Kai x Tucker RVBWhere stories live. Discover now