The question

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Tucker finally wanted to pop the question. He wanted Kai to be beside him for all of his life, and he wanted himself to be there for her. He set up a date. Fancy reservation at an enclosed party room. He got them an open bar and personal chef. He put on his best outfit and asked Kai to do the same. Kai was skeptical at first, but she figured this was Tucker trying to make up for asking her about personal matters.
They arrived at their dining room and Tucker nervously pulled out Kai's chair for her.
"You're nervous today babe."
Tucker shook his head, "N—no" he went around to the other side of the table and sat down. He figured that she should be a bit more tipsy in order for whatever jumbled arrangement of words was going to come out of his mouth to work.
"This place is very nice," words ran through Tucker's mind, mostly shit she knows what's up! Then she continued, "I didn't really think I was obvious when I didn't believe my tits didn't startle you." Tucker laughed nervously,
"Oh—uuuhh, Yeah I thought.. its kinda important for, us to know we love each other." Pull yourself together Tucker he thought.
Kai smiled, "well, I enjoy this. I'm already on my third glass of wine." Tucker realized this was his chance,
"Kai, I know that this may seem really sudden but I love you and I have never felt this intense in any of my past relationships."
Kai nodded, "Yeah me neither."
She still seemed oblivious.
"Well, I figured we already moved in together, why not—"
Tucker sat there rubbing his three brain cells together,
"Did you know what I was going to ask you?"
"Cmon; nice restaurant, fancy clothes, nervously talking"
Tucker reached for the ring in his pocket. "Yeah."
"It's obvious your trying to get me to fuck you."
Tucker laughed and got down on one knee, "well your half right." Kai looked at the ring and it finally clicked, "WAIT YOU WERE GONNA—" Tucker interrupted
"Will you marry me?"
Kai stood up, "YES!" Kai took the ring and put it on her finger.
Then something clicked for Tucker
"Wait you thought I was doing all of this for sex?!"
"Um, yeah. Guess I just dated a lot of toxic people."
"But wait you said..." Tucker smirked at Kai and looked her up and down.
"I already said yes." She said as she downed her fourth drink and dragged Tucker out the door.
"Bow chicka bowwow"
"Don't wreck it"

Kai x Tucker RVBWhere stories live. Discover now