At the cabin

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After staying at the motel for the night, it was Tucker's turn to drive. Kai sat in the front seat navigating and controlling the radio.
There were many sharp turns where Grif and Simmons were forced into each others embrace.
"Man, we should have taken the first driving shift."
"Because... no reason."
Tucker trailed off. He just wanted to be closer to Kai. It was clear to him last night that they are, but he wanted to hold her hand, take her out on a proper date, or even just have more nights like a few weeks back. He thought that telling her this would make him seem selfish though.
"Take a right!"
Tucker, lost in thought quickly took a right. Simmons fell on top of Grif in the back and touched lips with him. Nervous laughter was heard from them both as Simmons sprung off of him.
"Oooooohhh love birds!"
"Shut up Tucker you just wish this was you!"
The car full laughed as they pulled into the cabin driveway. Everyone was expecting a charming cottage knowing Donuts usual style, but they pulled up to some sort of wooden mansion. They walked in to find a large common room with a 65" TV set and Bluetooth speakers on the other side. They opened the refrigerator to find loads of the reds and blues favourite drinks as well as juice boxes for Caboose. And they went upstairs to a long hallway of doors, each door holding a king sized bedroom. They heard a click at the door and Doc and Donut walked in.
"So you've looked around I assume?"
Everyone was shocked
"How did you even afford this Donut?"
"What can I say, I have my sugar daddy." Donut looked at Doc who was blushing really hard. Donut set down his luggage and gave him a kiss.
"We had the bedrooms themed to match who we assumed would want to stay in them. I'm going to open a bottle of champagne, Doc honey, do you want some?"
"Yes please!"
Tucker went up stairs assuming that the themes would be obvious. They were. He found Grif and Simmons room right away because everyone loves to mock them. The wall had simple yet detailed hearts flying up the wall from a maroon to orange sunset. Tucker laughed and moved on. He found Caboose's room as well. It had rainbow foam puzzle pieces with little bunnies drawn on the wall. But the room down the hall a bit was painted aqua with yellow detailing all over. Tucker entered the room and looked in the drawers. He found a pack of extra large condoms, he thought to himself wow, thanks guys!  Then he heard Kai stumble through the hall and into their room, he hid the condoms behind his back. Kai just looked at Tucker who was blushing a nice shade of red.
"Whatcha got there?" She went to grab his hand but he stepped back.
She raised an eyebrow and Tucker just sighed.
"Before you say anything," he showed her the condoms,"I only found them in the drawer here, I was not planning on-"
"No it's okay, you don't have to blame it on Donut or Doc."
"No seriously I," he frantically searched the drawer and pulled out a note from Doc and Donut:
"Don't worry, we had all the rooms sound proofed! Nothing too freaky please! - Doc"
Tucker turned around and showed Kai the note," huh, guess you don't actually want to have sex with me."
"No that's not! Well not now. I just!"
Kai looked at Tucker,"You just what?"
Tucker took in a deep breath
"Listen, I think you are extremely cool. You already know that I have liked you for a long time. I also know that I don't have to balls to start a relationship."
Tucker sat on the bed, Kai sat beside him, "are we talking about the same Tucker I saw last night. Cause you were fully willing to change me out of my clothes for me."
"No, I mean." He sighed again
"I have no problem flirting because it never truly meant anything in the long run if someone rejects your flirting but starting a relationship."
He paused as if he were going to cry he looked up to stop the tears
"I don't think I ever could, not again."
Kai wanted to press but remembered how he was there for her breakup without all the details.
She hugged him, "there there, it will be alright." She then looked him in the eyes, "anyone else here...?" He shook his head "I didn't want to get anyone involved, I'm supposed to be the tough one!"
"Maybe tonight you should take a break from it." He held Kai in his arms. "Maybe your right." They heard sobbing at the door, they looked over to see Doc. They both had the same thought why whenever we are having a moment we get interrupted?! Doc spoke, "that was great you guys, *sob, I really hope things work out for you." He walked away from the door.
"Everyone else will want to go swimming right away. We can stay here for a bit if you want Tucker."
He nodded, "I'd like that."
She went over and shut the door Tucker properly looked around the room and noticed a smaller TV on the wall. They found the remote and turned on a romantic comedy.
They sat next to each other sharing a bottle of red wine.
"Wow this bed is so comfy!"
"I assume it is to be used for more than just sleeping."
"What did you have in mind." Kai looked deep into his eyes.
"Bow chicka bowwow."
Kai giggled and continued watching the movie. Tucker spoke
"Hey um, Kai," she looked up at him again, "you know how I said that I don't have the balls to start an actual romantic relationship."
Tucker started blushing. Like he said, flirting with Kai was nothing but actually putting himself out there was different.
"Would you, I don't know, help me overcome that fear?"
Kai smiled, "alright, what do we do on our first night as a couple?"
Tucker checked the time.
"Get changed, the others will be back from the lake in a few minutes, we can sneak out and spend some time alone."
Kai smiled and got up. When alone in the bathroom though, she thought to herself did I just get cockblocked by a nice guy version of Tucker?! She and Tucker got changed and headed out avoiding being spotted by the rest of the team.
They set up and got in the water.
"That best not be the swimsuit I had to take you out of."
"You would like that wouldn't you!"
"Bow chicka bowwow!"
Tucker dives under the water and approach's Kai. He grabbed her waist and picked her up.
She playfully hit his back.
"Put me down!"
"Hey you asked for it!"
He dropped her and she got back up and splashed him.
The evening turned into darkness when they were on the dock air drying and chatting.
"You know what's better than swimming?" She stood up and removed her top. "Skinny dipping!"
She jumped in the lake and threw her bottoms at Tucker.
"Cmon don't leave me hanging!"
"Bow chicka bowwow!"
Tucker threw his and Kai's bottoms to the side and jump in after her.
They swam for a bit after that and then Tucker grabbed her waist again. Kai grabbed his shoulders.
"Thank you. I kinda forgot about this feeling."
"No problem Tucker."
They both got out and dried off. They snuck back into their room and fell asleep.

Kai x Tucker RVBWhere stories live. Discover now