Caboose's birthday

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Tucker fixed his collar for the fourth time and Kai adjusted her leggings.
"Do you have his card?"
They made their way out the door and into the car. They pulled up to Doc and Donut's house fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. Caboose smiled when he saw them and ran over to Tucker and gave him a hug, then did the same to Kai.
"You guys made it!"
"Of course we did buddy, and we got you something!"
Tucker took the card out from behind his back and handed it to Caboose.
"Do you like living with Doc and Donut?" Kai added.
"Yeah! They are fun dads!"
Donut enters the room and joins the conversation, "fun dad huh, is that why Doc calls me daddy?!" He yelled at Doc who was in the kitchen putting the final decorations on the cake.
"Donut, honey, think about what you just said!"
Donut looked at the wall for a second.
"FUCK! I didn't mean to—" the rest became incomprehensible as Donut disappeared into the kitchen.
"So What did you get me?" Caboose asked and started taking the wrapping off of the card. Kai put a hand over his,
"Maybe you should wait for the others to get here Caboose, they want to see what we got you as well." Caboose sighed and took the card to the table. Then the doorbell rang. Grif and Simmons walked in giggling.
"What's so funny?" Tucker asked
"None of your business you six piece chicken mcnobody!" Grif replied and Simmons laughed harder.
"You three are a total clown show."
Kai states and walked into the kitchen with the rest of the adults.
"Suite yourself sis!" Tucker laughed then turned back to Simmons, "I still can't apologize enough for what happened at the cabin Simmons."
"In the past! Besides, it brought me and Grif closer together."
"Not that it made much of a difference!" Grif said clearly irritated.
The three of them entered the kitchen and put Grif and Simmons' present on the table.
"Oh you've decided to chase the adults have you?" Kai said to Tucker.
"If you haven't noticed we are at the biggest man-child I know's party."
Kai laughed and walked up to him,
"Yet he's still more mature than you are." She said and lightly slapped his cheek a couple times.
Tucker whistles as she rounds the doorway outside. Simmons interrupts,
"Are you two having issues?"
"No Simmons, it's all foreplay."
Tucker pulled out a spoon from the serving tray,
"How do I look boys?"
Everyone looked confused at him,
"You look great?" Doc said inquisitively.
Tucker then finger gunned out the door and walked over to Kai who was setting up a chair for herself.
"Lemme get that for you sweetie." Tucker said and grabbed the chair from her then finished setting it up.
"I could have done that one myself!" she said and sat down.
Tucker took her hand and went behind the chair, he kissed her softly on the cheek.
"Seriously Tucker, right now?"
Tucker let go of her hand and put his arms around her.
"Something wrong babe?"
She sighed
"Actually there is, but I can tell you later, Caboose needs ya right now."
Tucker released her,
"Okay. But I'm only dropping it because we are going to talk about it later."
Kai nodded and Tucker went to go find Caboose.

~time skip~

Everyone was laughing and having fun. Wash ended up grilling some burgers and hotdogs and Doc's cake was a hit. It came time for presents and Caboose sat cross legged on the ground as everyone handed him presents. It got to Tucker and Kai's present and Caboose read it aloud.
"To the best kid around. Happy birthday... see the back?"
Caboose took the twenty bucks they gave him and Kai held Tucker's hand.
"It would be great if you could bring us our rings at our wedding bud, Kai and Tucker." Caboose looked at them
"You guys are getting married?!"
Kai and Tucker nodded, "You're being the ring bearer?!" Tucker said in a similar tone. Caboose got up and hugged them both.
"Of course!" The rest of the gang joined in congratulating them and Kai looked at Donut,
"Hey Donut. Since there is only two girls, and I don't really feel a connection with Carolina,"
Donut nodded excited, "yes, yeah"
"Could you be our maid of honour?"
Donut gasped, "ME! Of course I will plan your bachelorette party girl!" Kai rolled her eyes, "don't let it go to your head!"
Tucker pulled Grif to the side.
"Bro, can you be my best man. I would have asked Caboose, but he does better with shiny things than event planning."
"Man, of course!"

Everyone wrapped up and started piling into cars and heading home. Tucker and Kai got into their car. Tucker drove home and kept the doors locked on the car.
"Kai. What was bothering you."
"I-it left."
"What left."
Kai tried to exit but Tucker grabbed her hand.
"Tell me," Tucker said then added, "I love you, I want to make sure you're okay."
Kai sighed and looked down at her feet.
"Remember when we were messing around with each other?"
"Bow chicka bowwow."
"Yeah... that."
Tucker smiled, "I remember every part."
"The condom didn't work."
Tucker looked at her and she started to cry.
"Hey, Hey now! It's okay. I'm here."
He said and pulled her to his chest.
"Have you set a doctors appointment?"
"It's going to be a couple days before I know when the appointment will be."
She pulled away from Tucker.
"Do you want to go inside and talk about it more, or do you need to be distracted?"
Kai looked out the window at their house.
"Let's go inside."
Tucker helped her inside and set her up on the couch.
"What do we want to do."
"I don't know Tucker! I want this all to just be a bad dream!"
"We have other options Kai."
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.
"I already got a few abortions, but my old go to spot shut down just a week ago."
Tucker sighed
"Do I have to remind you that we are getting married."
Kai put her hands on Tucker's shoulders and pushed him away from her.
"Yeah. I know. I don't want to force you to raise a child that neither of us wanted to begin with."
Tucker smiled.
"Who said anything about forcing me to. I'll do it because I would love to have a mini version of us running around."
Kai kissed Tucker. "That's what I needed to hear I think."
Tucker kissed her back.
"Stop trying to put the blame on you."
Kai smiled then sat in Tucker's lap.
She grabbed his hands and put them on her stomach.
"This is a good thing."
Tucker kissed her neck.
"It will be."

Kai x Tucker RVBWhere stories live. Discover now