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Grif and Simmons hosted a dinner party in order to tell everyone about the child. Everyone thought it was great that Simmons and Grif are taking on such a responsibility. Tucker looked after Kai more that usual. She was eating for two after all. When all was said and done, Wash proposed a toast,
"To all the reds and blues! You all are better off than I am." Tucker and Kai looked at each other.
"That was... kinda negative." Tucker said to Wash.
"But it's true. You and Kai are getting married, Grif and Simmons are adopting your child you aren't ready for, Caboose had his birthday a couple months back, Doc and Donut are suspiciously rich, and Carolina is getting deployed back into the military." Everyone looked at Carolina who was gesturing for Wash to keep quiet. Carolina crossed her arms,
"Okay, Okay, I was going to tell all of you closer to the date, but yeah. I'm going to be on defence this time around so I won't be far from home. And I did it because if I have to watch one more five year old kid fuck up a simple forward punch in the martial arts course, I might just go insane." Everyone took turns congratulating Carolina on her position. Wash then continued,
"Yet what have I done?! I'm unemployed, got evicted, and I saw someone getting mugged on the street and looked away." Everyone raised their eyebrows in shock.
"I'm not Agent Washington anymore... Man I'm not even David anymore..." Everyone took turns comforting Wash. he scoffed at all of them.
"Thanks guys but I don't think this is really a hug it out type low." Wash ran out the door and hopped into Donut's minivan. Carolina started panicking, "someone chase after him! Last time he was like this was on the field, he tried to kill himself!" Tucker grabbed Kai's hand.
"We're sober let's go, worst case scenario, we carry him back!"
They both ran out to their car and located Donut's van. They followed him to a cliff overlooking the city. Wash parked and got out of the car, tears in his eyes. Tucker busted out his car and started yelling at Wash. Wash started running to the edge and Tucker yelled louder
Wash turned around and yelled out, "ITS NOT LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE!!"
Wash stepped back from the cliff and looked Tucker in the eye,
"How, how would you know?! Life has been giving you breaks every time you needed them!"
"How do you figure!"
"You had a crush on Kai, she liked you back. Together you guys had a child you aren't ready for, Grif and Simmons saved your asses. I'm not around you but I know overprivileged people when I see them!"
"You're wrong."
Tucker said and Wash squinted his eyes, "how so?"
"The night I got my job, Kai told me she was dating another dude. Everyday I wonder if she likes me, or she likes that I was the only one who took a day off work to help her get home safely. She then smacked one of our best friends head with a bottle because I was ignoring her. I still wish I knew how many things I am doing wrong, but I can't." Wash looked down, "that's still better than what I have."
"When I was unemployed, all I had was the hope of me and Kai. When I got the job, she was going on an anniversary dinner with him at my tables." Wash stepped fully away from the cliff.
"What did you do?"
"I tried to be supportive. Got her a drink right away, offered a celebration. I ended up being more upset that the guy didn't show, than Kai not being on my arm." Wash nodded.
"You should never think that this cliff is the answer ever." Tucker said and held out his hand. Wash took it and Tucker helped him back into Donut's van. Tucker hopped in and gestured Kai to leave, she did and Wash followed.
"Tucker, I can't thank you enough."
"Hey, it's no problem buddy."
They drove in silence for the rest of the way there.

Kai x Tucker RVBWhere stories live. Discover now