Moving in

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Tucker asked Kai if they wanted to move in together. This was they could pull their income together. To avoid a fight, they decided to pick out a new apartment instead of moving out of one of them. They picked out a charming rustic apartment with a home office for Kai's job as an artist. They moved the furniture they were willing to keep and packed boxes. Several days later. They were all moved in. They both sat down on the new couch and watched tv.
"Yes babe."
"When we were, you know. Bow chicka bowwow!"
"Doing it yes."
Tucker turned to her and asked,
"Why did you never take of your bra?"
Kai looked around panicked,
"I—um-need it... for....... extra support," Tucker raised his eyebrow, "you know, so I can ride you better." She put her hands on his shoulders. Tucker smirks, "wow you almost had me convinced." Kai put her head down, "okay, it's because they are ugly. I didn't want you to have to see them." Tucker kissed her, "I could never think any part of you is ugly." She smiled, "you're wrong." Tucker hugged her, "well if you don't mind, could you show me why, cause one day I'm going to want to take that bra off... but this time see you." Kai sighed and stood up. She took off her shirt, "are you sure, we just got an apartment and I have already showed you that I can do you with it on me." Tucker raised his hand gesturing her to continue. Kai sighed and undid her bra. She dropped it to the floor. Tucker looked at her and the scratches on both her nipples.
"Did someone do that to you?"
"I told you, it makes them ugly."
"I never said that Kai, I just want to make sure it is only the skin, not another asshole keeping you from enjoying yourself."
Kai smiled, "It was one of my exes, she was always rough in the bedroom but I never thought she could penetrate the skin."
Tucker nodded, "that's why you wanted me to take it down a notch."
Kai nodded, "in the past I would have loved that energy. But now..."
She looked at the scratches and covered them with her hands. "I don't ever want something like this to happen." Tucker got up and took her hands away from her tits.
"It's alright." Tucker told her, "I will still love you, don't ever think a tiny scratch will change that." He bent down and gave each of the scratches a kiss, then handed Kai her shirt. Kai smiled and slipped it over her head. "Thank you, I needed that babe." He hugged her, "I love you."

Kai x Tucker RVBWhere stories live. Discover now