Trip Planning

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A couple of weeks past since Kai's breakup. The reds and blues had planned a three week long trip up to Doc and Donut's cabin. Kai still hasn't told anyone else about being stood up, but Tucker keeps on being there for her. Since there is a lot of people on this trip, they decided to split up into groups and make it two days of travel stopping once in between at a motel. One car full held Grif, Simmons, Kai and Tucker. Five seconds before they were about to set off, Wash asked if he could join their car because Carolina was being a baby.
They accepted and put up another seat in the back. After everyone piled into the cars, everyone paired off and began conversations and car activities. Grif took the first driving shift, Simmons took the front seat. Kai and Tucker sat in the middle sharing headphones and playing mind games together. And Wash fell asleep right away in the back.
They all reached the motel and were informed that they would have to pair off and share rooms. Tucker asked Kai and they got one of the poolside rooms for arriving first. They decided to go swimming right away so that they can get some relaxing in before caboose arrives. It's not that they hate him, he just wants to do group activities all the time.
Once they were both changed, they headed out to the pool.
"After you m'lady" Tucker said gesturing to the hot tub.
"Where did the gentleman act come from?" Kai replied with a smile.
"I'm just polite, don't think so deep into it."
Kai laughed and got into the hot tub,"come on Tucker the water is fine."
Tucker smiled and flirtatiously joked,"as fine as you are?"
Kai looked at him, shocked.
"It would depend upon just how fine you think I am." She teased.
He smiled and moved towards her now standing a foot apart,"how fine is the water Kai?"
Then there was a loud throat clearing sound behind them. They both turned around frantically to see Simmons and Grif at the stairs waiting to get in the hot tub. "Wash is in a different room, he's asleep again, what are you two talking about?" They both in unison, "NOTHING!" They then looked at each other then turned away and blushed. The other two entered the pool and sat across from them. "So um, we thought maybe you should take the next driving shift you guys? If it isn't too much trouble. Grif and I would like a break from driving."
Tucker responded,"yea no problem. I can drive us the rest of the way if Kai would take the front seat." Kai nodded,"yeah I can keep you company up front." "Bow chicka bowwow." Kai lightly punched Tucker's arm.
A few moments later, the rest of the reds and blues started trickling in. Caboose as expected wanted to hit a ball around in the pool.
"Heads up!" Caboose served the ball and it smoked Tucker right in the face. After frantically apologizing Kai took him out of the pool. "I think Tucker has had enough fun for today Caboose, play with the others for a bit." Caboose apologized again and kept playing.
Kai carried Tucker to their room and laid him down on the couch. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, but fuck that kid can hit hard! I'm going to rest for a bit, you can change if you're going to." She smiled,"get better."
Kai grabbed her pj's out of her bag and headed for the bathroom but the door was locked. She knocked and heard an,"occupied" from the other side.
"Wash, are you in there?"
"Yeah this is my room?"
"No it's mine and Tucker's your room is next to ours."
"Oh, well I'm going to be a bit."
"Ugg I have to change!"
"Do it out there!"
Kai looked around. The only person that could see her is Tucker, and he was passed out. She then took off her bottoms, then put her shorts on. Tucker rolled over on the couch towards Kai. Kai looked and saw him open his eyes and quickly shut them again when he realized she was looking.
"I can see you ya lil peeker!"
"What, me, noo!"
She then struggled with her top. "Aw dang, this top is always so hard to get out of!"
"Bow chicka bowwow!"
She turned to him, this time he didn't even hide the fact that he was staring at her.
"Could you help me please."
Tucker rolled off the couch and went behind her.
"Um, how do you undo this thing?"
"It unbuttons. In the front."
Tucker went to the front of her and struggled with the buttons.
"Why do you even wear these death traps?"
"To be fair it looked cute on me when I was in the pool."
The buttons finally unbutton and Kai holds the cups on to her tits.
"Thanks Tucker, Wash is in the bathroom right now."
"Oh um, thanks."

Kai x Tucker RVBWhere stories live. Discover now