Party time

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After that night, Kai and Tucker has started being more open to each other and told the rest of the team they were dating. Doc and Donut had planned a cabin party with some extra guests as well as everyone else. Donut and Doc had always been open to threesomes, so it was to be expected that a bunch of musclemen and aesthetically pleasing figures arrived. Tucker and Kai decided to work as bartenders to get away from some of the drama and have a reason to be closer to the booze.
"Y'know. I used to go to these parties to find someone to have a one night stand with."
"Uh, okay."
Kai wrapped her arms around Tucker. "It's kinda weird to have a boyfriend!"
Tucker kissed her forehead and then asked "how much have you had to drink?"
She drunkenly giggled, "a few."
Tucker shook his head.
"What am I going to do with you?"
She laughed "ask someone else to be the bartender."
"I can't just abandon my post!"
She kissed his neck, "just call it a 'break'" Tucker wanted to take Kai up to the bedroom. But he didn't want to ruin what they had by taking advantage of her. Especially not this early into an actual relationship.
"Babe, you know I would love to drop everything and just-"
Kai cut him off with a kiss.
"What are you waiting for then?"
He looked around and spotted Simmons. "I'll be right back babe, I need to go and deal with this."
Kai's instant thought was he's cheating on me! But after he left she watched him go up to Simmons and start talking. She grabbed a bottle and ran over to Simmons,"YOURE CHEATING ON MY BROTHER YOU DICK!!!" She smashed the bottle over his head.
"Woah hey. Oof—- " Simmons bracing the impact, confused asked
"What did I do?!"
The rest of the party looked over at the conflict.
"You are cheating on my brother! And with MY boyfriend!!"
Simmons shook his head confused as Grif came over and looked at the situation,"is this true? Simmons are you cheating on me?"
"No Grif, I"
Donut intervenes,
"Alright you four, on the couch! Everyone else, get out or go to your room!"
Grif, Simmons, Tucker and Kai sat down on the sofa. Everyone else cleared out. After everyone was out of the room, Donut sat across in the armchair.
"Alright, What is going on."
Kai glared at Simmons and Tucker.
"These two are cheaters!"
"What no I am—"
Donut interrupted
"I don't want to hear filthy accusations, I want to hear the original story."
Donut looked at Grif who was in tears.
"Simmons, share."
Simmons looked frantically around the room.
"I-I don't know. I got up to get a drink for Grif when Tucker came over. He just started saying that I needed to help him and then I got hit over the head with a bottle for something that," he looked at Grif and held his hand, "I would never do! Especially with Tucker, he is like my distant brother it would be weird."
Donut nodded. "Kai, care to explain why you acted out?"
Kai just started thinking, "I just wanted to go to bed with Tucker and he full on rejected me. So I assumed he was cheating. When he went out of his way to ignore me and talk to Simmons..." she started crying, "I assumed the worst. I'm sorry Simmons I should have known you are a great guy, perfect for my brother."
Tucker froze. She was right, he tried to ignore her. Simmons accepting Kai's apology walked away with Grif.
"Only one more question," Donut directed, "Why were you ignoring Kai, Tucker?"
"I..I, didn't want to mess things up between us. It was going so well I love every second I spend with her. I wasn't trying to avoid her, I was trying to avoid messing around and terminating our romance we have going." Tucker turned to Kai, "and I am not ever going to cheat on you, don't ever assume that I am." Kai looked down, "I get it," she pushed Tucker's hand away from hers, "I was pressuring you..." Tucker held her hand. "No, nothing like that babe. I just wanted to keep you safe. That and I didn't want to take advantage of you while you are drunk. I want to strengthen our sober relationship."
She leaned against him. Donut nodded with contentment, "my work here is done." He got up and left.
"I love you."

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