Chpt. 14

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Hermione Lestrange pov.

There has been more abushes and attacks.  I am currently with Draco and Blaise healing Pansy and Astoria.  They were attacks at Hogwarts.

It is no longer safe for any Slytherin.  There have been attacks at Hogwarts from other houses. 

"Thank you Hermione."  Pansy says to me.

I just grin and nod my head towards her.  Pansy looks at Draco and she starts telling him about Hogwarts.  How even though Snape is Headmaster that things are out of control.  Gryffindors are attacking Slytherins and outcasting them.

Why would my house do that?
Why would any house do that?
It just doesn't sound like Hogwarts.

"Hermione, are you alright?"  I hear Pansy ask me as I break away from my thoughts.

I look at her and nod while healing Astoria's wounds on her legs. 

"Why do you have rope burn on your legs?"

"They were trying to stop us from running away but clearly we got away but not without a few scars."  Astoria tells me with a smirk.

I just grin sadly and continue to heal her.  After I finished Pansy wanted to speak to me.  I just nod my head and we both walk away while Draco and Astoria talk.

As Pansy and I walk it is quiet.

"Thank you for what you did for Astoria and I.  I want to apologize, so I am sorry.  It just takes me a while to get use to change when it comes to new people." Pansy explains

"It is okay.  I understand and for the words I said at dinner.  I apologize, it wasn't one of my best attitudes."

Pansy and I start to laugh remembering my rude behavior.  I get to know Pansy and she tells me about herself.  Pansy also tells me how she became a Death Eater.

"Wait, the Order tried to kidnap you when you were a baby?"

She looks at me and nods not saying anything. 

That doesn't make sense.  Why would they do that?  They succeeded with me but why kidnap babies of Death Eaters.

"All Death Eater children are to be moved to safe houses now.  We won't be going back to Hogwarts."  Pansy explains to me.

"Wait a second, the Order had been trying to kidnap you when you were a baby like they did with me."

"Yes, Hermione.  It seemed as if they wanted to harm me but after knowing about your story.  I guess I would have been adopted just like you."  Pansy says to me.

"Why though?  Kidnapping children of Death Eaters.  What do they gain?"

"Well, what did they gain when they had you?"  Pansy ask me.

I thought about it and the only thing I can think of is my knowledge.

"That is why Lord Voldemort has laws that protect us.  To protect all Death Eater children."  Pansy tells me.

I nod my head in understanding.  They were using me for what I could figure out.  I need to know what they if they have done that with any other children.

"I don't know.  It was during the first war, but if you want to know then you should probably ask Lucius."  Pansy tells me.

I nod my head once more before finishing my walk with Pansy.

To kidnap one child but to kinap two.  What if they attempted to kidnap more?  If so, how many children were at risk from the Order's actions.  Voldemort has laws to protect Death Eater children.  It is as if none of us are to be touched.

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