Chpt 2: Marinette watches Adrien. Very carefully.

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Adrien was sitting in Ms. Bustier's class, in his usual spot in the front row. He could hardly wait for the end of classes. It was finally Tuesday and he was thinking about what he wanted to talk about with Mrs. Dupain-Cheng today. He was going over a list of things in his head when his friend, Nino, who sat next to him, elbowed him in the side. Startled, he looked over at Nino who was pointing his finger under the table toward Ms. Bustier. Adrien looked up at his teacher, but since he had no idea what had been going on in class, he could only gaze blankly at her. She shook her head at him, but let him be, probably because he was usually so attentive, and called on Nino instead. Adrien tuned out again and looked at the clock. Only one minute left! He started to tap his foot impatiently until the bell rang. Adrien sprang up from his seat. Alya and Marinette, who sat behind Adrien, and Nino all looked at Adrien in surprise.

"Whoa, dude!" said Nino. "What's up with you today? You've been completely in your own world, and, like, not paying attention. And now it seems like you can't wait to get out of here. All so not like you!"

Adrien glanced briefly at his friend and then went back to gathering his things together. "Just something I'm looking forward to doing after school, that's all." He hurriedly stuffed the last book in his bag and slung the bag over his shoulder. "Bye!" he called to Nino as he raced out of the classroom.

Well, that is not mysterious at all! thought Marinette wryly. The three of them gathered up their own things to head to their lockers.

"What is with that boy today?" Alya asked Nino as they started walking toward their lockers. Marinette trailed behind the other two, pondering that herself.

"No idea," said Nino as he shook his head and took Alya's hand.

Adrien had thought about how to best change into Cat Noir without attracting attention at school and determined that he should sneak up onto the rooftop and change there. He grabbed the rest of his stuff from his locker and then headed toward the staircase that led to the rooftop, glancing behind him as he walked. He passed right by Marinette, who was on the way to her locker, without noticing her, but she noticed him. She always noticed him. She turned her head and her eyes widened as she saw Adrien determinedly heading toward the roof stairs. She wondered what he was doing and didn't think twice before turning around and following him.

Marinette snuck up the stairs, watching him from the flight below. When the rooftop door closed, she started up the rest of the way. "Marinette, are you sure you should be following Adrien?" asked Tikki, Marinette's red and black spotted kwami, from where she was hidden in Marinette's purse.

"Adrien has been acting strangely today," said Marinette, pushing a strand of her blue-black hair back behind her ear. "Really distracted. It's not like him at all. And now he's headed to the roof! I just want to make sure he's okay."

Adrien reached the rooftop, opened his shirt to let Plagg out from where he was hiding, and ducked behind the air conditioning cooling tower before saying:

"Plagg, CLAWS OUT!"

He transformed into Cat Noir and headed off over the rooftops in a roundabout fashion to make sure it wasn't obvious where he was going, on the off chance someone had seen him.

Marinette opened the door to the roof and looked around. She didn't see anyone anywhere. "Where is he?" she asked Tikki. Tikki flew out of the purse and zoomed around the rooftop.

"Adrien's not here, Marinette. Are you sure he actually came up here?"

"I'm certain, Tikki, but where could he have possibly gone?" Marinette looked around the roof and then off into the distance with a puzzled gaze.

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now