Chpt 11: Marinette can make Cat Noir get flustered?

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It was Tuesday again and after talking with Marinette's mom, Cat Noir headed upstairs. He didn't have too long until he was supposed to be back to meet with Marinette to work on their project. He knocked on her door, but got no answer. He slowly opened the door and peeked in- she didn't seem to be there. He went in and looked around the room. He was surprised to find that she changed all of the pictures on the wall around. He examined them as he walked by and noticed that he, as Adrien, was no longer the focus of the pictures. He felt a little twinge- was he disappointed? There were lots of photos of all of her friends, her accomplishments, a few of him from his magazine ads, and even a few of Ladybug and Cat Noir. He peered at the Ladybug ones she chose- those were his favorite moments, too! He didn't really want there to be evil to fight, but he had to admit it was a lot of fun! He really did miss working with Ladybug. He sighed and headed up to the rooftop.

Marinette was there, in her normal spot by the railing. Cat Noir joined her at his spot. She glanced at him before looking back over the city again. They looked at the city in silence for a bit and Cat Noir marveled at how sitting in silence with Marinette could be so comfortable. He wasn't sure that there was any other person in his life that he could do such a simple thing with without feeling the need to talk. But, he also realized how much he enjoyed talking with her, too.

"Do you think that there is some kind of magic that keeps superheroes from being recognized by people they know?" he asked her suddenly, followed by shock that he had just blurted the silly question he often wondered about out loud.

Marinette looked over at him, appearing startled by the question. She then looked thoughtful for a moment before replying "Why do you ask?"

He blushed, quite embarrassed with the topic. At least she didn't seem to think it was a completely stupid question, he thought to himself. Despite how stupid the question seemed to him now, he felt he had to continue with an explanation, since he was the one who'd brought it up. He was also surprised to discover that he was really interested in her thoughts about it.

"I suppose it's because it's still surprising to me that no one I know seems to recognize me.  Is it just because I'm in this outfit?" He gestured to himself. "Or is it something else?  Magic? Or do I really act so differently in my two different personas that I am unrecognizable. I guess I feel somewhat more confident as Cat Noir, more free to act in a different way. Yet, I don't think that my Cat persona is more me, though, like it's not really who I am rather than the 'normal' me. It's confusing."

Marinette peered over at him. She found it interesting that he had brought up this question with her rather than Ladybug. She had also often wondered why no recognized her as she didn't really think she looked all that different as Ladybug, she just acted different- more confident and a lot less clumsy!

"Should I know you?" she asked, looking at him more closely, trying to figure out if she could possibly know him from her everyday life. She took in his tousled, blonde hair and green cat eyes behind his black mask and the fact that he was a few inches taller than she was. He seemed sort of familiar, but not exactly like anyone she knew.

Cat found that question amusing. He gave her a sidelong glance and a lop-sided smile.

Marinette was surprised when she felt her heart give a little lurch at that smile. What is it about lop-sided smiles? she wondered to herself. Ugh! This is Cat, NOT Adrien, she silently admonished herself.

"You know I'm not supposed to reveal my true identity, so nothing I say in response to that question should be seen as a yes or a no," he said slyly.

Was he flirting with her? He was supposed to be in love with Ladybug! Marinette found herself wanting to get back at him for that and the heart lurching moment she had just experienced, though she had to admit that was her problem, not his.

Marinette thought for a second, wondering what she could do. She pushed away from the railing and walked to the center of the rooftop before turning around and looking at all of him. Cat Noir stood up straight, feeling a little awkward under her scrutiny, which seemed more intense than it was a minute ago. She slowly started walking toward him, catching his gaze. He found that he couldn't look away as she kept walking closer. His heart started to beat faster. He stepped back and bumped into the railing, gripping it with his hands and leaning back over it as she got closer, wondering what she was doing. Marinette leaned over him and stopped her face about an inch from his, holding his gaze for a few seconds. His eyes widened and he held his breath. Was she going to kiss him?

She held this pose for a few seconds before suddenly stepping two steps back. Her eyes twinkled playfully. "I'm pretty sure I don't know you, so if I should, I would think there must be some magic at work. We've spent a fair amount of time together now, so I can't imagine, if we were normally friends, why I wouldn't recognize you otherwise. For one thing you have very distinctive green eyes." Marinette continued to stare into his eyes. He could hardly believe this was the same Marinette who could rarely meet his eyes at school!

He let out his breath and had to admit that he was disappointed she didn't recognize him. He suddenly felt strangely jealous of Adrien, which was ridiculous, but Adrien seemed to have her devotion, yet Cat Noir was just. . . a what? A friend of sorts, he guessed. However, he did have to admit it was a lot easier to talk with Marinette when she was around Cat Noir and a lot more difficult to interpret what she was saying when she was around Adrien. What was up with that anyway?

Cat Noir suddenly remembered that Adrien was supposed to be here at any minute. I'm starting to go crazy! he said to himself. "I've got to go. See you!" he called to Marinette as he launched himself over the rooftops.

Marinette watched him go. Or maybe, she should say, escape. She grinned. That was fun! she thought to herself. Kind of a Cat-type thing to do. She was totally surprised and puzzled at her recent actions. Was she into Cat? He was very different around Marinette than Ladybug these days. She knew he thought himself in love with Ladybug. Was he trying to impress Ladybug with his over-the-top actions and words? She was starting to think that that might be the case and it made her understand him a bit better, and made it a little more endearing than just completely annoying. She shook her head. She'd have to think more about it, but boys were weird, even superhero boys! Yet, she guessed it was no worse than her own insane behavior around Adrien. She wished she could get control of herself around Adrien. Why does love have to cause people to be so crazy?

She gasped. "Adrien! He'll be here at any minute!" She raced downstairs to straighten her room and get her stuff together for the project. And tried to tell herself not to lose her mind when talking to Adrien- just think of him like Cat, and she could be more confident. Things should be fine.

Tikki woke up due to all of the noise Marinette was making and flew out from her hiding place. "Marinette, is everything okay? You seem a little frantic!" Tikki commented worriedly.

"Yes . . .No . . . Adrien is just about here!"

Tikki rolled her eyes. "Marinette, calm down. Remember to breathe and think. He is just a boy, not a supervillain. Things will be fine!" Tikki said for what felt to her like the thousandth time. She snorted in exasperation and thought it probably best to just go back to her hiding spot. She could never get through to Marinette when she was so worked up over Adrien!

Cat Noir traveled a few rooftops away to where he left his bag before going to Marinette's earlier. Wow- he had never seen Marinette act like that! He liked it- she seemed so confident! He shook his head to clear it and looked for his things. He was glad everything was still there and also that no one had seemed to notice that Cat Noir was bounding over the city with a schoolbag! He dropped down to the dark alley below and transformed. He then gave Plagg a piece of cheese and headed back to Marinette's. Round two!

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now