Chpt 46: Many questions.

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Cat was sitting on the floor of the candle rooftop twirling the two roses in his hand, which was resting on one bent knee, when she arrived. He watched her walk toward him, a concerned expression on her face. When she came close, he set the roses down and then pulled her down beside him, leaning in for a kiss. 

"I can't tell you how relieved I am that nothing happened to you," he said once he felt able to let her go again. "It was the hardest thing I've ever done to leave you there!  I know you are completely capable of anything, but I always want to be by your side!"  He gave her another kiss, just to reassure himself that she was there and safe.

"I felt the same way!  I didn't want to let you go alone, but it was the right decision, wasn't it?"  Ladybug searched his eyes, looking for answers.

Cat put his arm around her shoulders and described everything that happened and then pulled out the Miraculouses to show her.  She looked at them, but didn't touch them.

"We really should get those to Master Fu," Ladybug said. It was difficult for her to believe that anyone would choose to use two such beautiful pieces of jewelry for evil.

"You're right," he said. "I just needed a bit of time with you- to talk to you- since all of this is more to me than defeating Hawk Moth.  I am really having a difficult time deciding what to think.  How to make sense of everything.  It's almost impossible to believe!  My father- a supervillain!  My mom- half-alive in a casket, why?  How can I just go back home tonight?  How can I return there knowing what is hidden in the house?  How can I face my father?"  Cat moved his arm from her shoulder and took her hands in his, staring down at them through the tears that started to stream down his face.  "I don't think I can, yet.  What should I do?"  he asked her imploringly, looking back into her eyes.  He desperately wanted her to have answers.  To make everything better.

Ladybug turned and gathered him up in a hug, cradling him.  Cat started to sob on her shoulder, breaking Ladybug's heart.  This felt way beyond her ability to sort out.  What were they going to do?  She rubbed his back until he stopped crying.  He pulled away from her, wiping his eyes.  "You know, it's not the most comfortable thing to cry in a mask."

Ladybug laughed softly.  "Good to know.  I think I have an immediate plan, but we need to visit Master Fu first.  Are you ready?"  He nodded.  She stood up and reached down to pull Cat to his feet and they headed toward Master Fu's.

- - -

Adrien and Marinette were about to knock on Master Fu's door, but he opened it before they could.  "Come in, come in!" He hurried them inside, shutting the door.  "Well?" he asked, unable to keep the excitement and worry out of his voice.

Adrien took out the two lost Miraculouses, handing them to him.  Master Fu gasped and reached out to take them, his hands shaking.  He held them reverently in his palms, grateful that they had been returned to his possession.  He walked over to the Miraculous box, punched in the code, and was about to return them to their long empty places when Adrien cried out "Wait!"  Master Fu turned to him, a silent question in his eyes. 

"I think. . . I think that the Peacock is damaged somehow."  He went on to relate all he knew about his mom.  "Is it dangerous to put a damaged one back in the box?"

Master Fu considered the question.  "I have not heard any stories in the past of damaged Miraculouses, so I do not know the answer to your question.  But, what you are saying is wise.  Perhaps I will keep the Peacock separate until I know more.  However, I will be glad to let Nooroo rejoin the others."  He placed the Butterfly brooch back in the box.

Plagg and Tikki looked at Marinette and Adrien.  "Can we go and see him?" they asked.

"Of course!" Marinette smiled kindly at them.  The two kwamis flew into the box, excited to see their friend again.

Marinette then handed Master Fu the Fox and Turtle Miraculouses.  The Fox was returned to its place and Master Fu put on the Turtle bracelet so Wayzz could join them.

As soon as Wayzz appeared, Master Fu said "Wayzz, I will fill you in on all of the details later, but we need your help.  The Peacock may be damaged in some way.  Please speak to all of the kwamis to find out whether any have been damaged in the past, how to potentially fix the damage, and whether the damaged Miraculous would damage the Peacock kwami, or just affect the power or the Miraculous holder.  And, would that damage pose any risk to the others in the box?  You may rest tonight, of course, before starting your inquiries."

Wayzz frowned, thinking about the damage questions, before answering "Yes, Master," and flying into the box to join the others.

Master Fu rested his gaze on Marinette and Adrien.  "That is all that can be done tonight.  You should go home and rest.  We can meet again to discuss things- what the events mean for the future- when you are well rested."  He smiled at them.  "I am very proud of you both.  You have surpassed all of my expectations!"  He bowed to them.  Marinette and Adrien smiled and bowed in return.

- - -

Marinette and Adrien walked through the quiet city, hands clasped together.  The night was clear and cool and so beautiful.  There was no sign of any of the unrest that occurred just a few hours before.  Marinette had told her parents she was at Alya's and reassured them she was safe after the attacks on the city ended.  They didn't have to be anywhere tonight.  She knew Adrien didn't want to go home.

"So, Adrien?  I've been thinking."  He turned his head to look at her.  "How about tonight we camp on the candle rooftop?  Then tomorrow, I can tell you what else I've been thinking.  Unless, do you think that you have other thoughts you've been thinking that you think you want to tell me?"  Marinette had purposefully put together an awkward sentence- one that was so common for her to blurt out at him not so long ago- to lighten the mood.  So much had changed!

He laughed a little at that.  "My brain is pretty much worn out at this point and not thinking any important thoughts.  I like your camping idea, though.  I'll start thinking tomorrow."

Marinette snuck into her room as Ladybug and gathered some pillows and blankets and met Adrien on the candle rooftop.  She transformed back and they arranged everything and sunk down into them, exhausted.  Marinette curled on her side toward Adrien, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara