Chpt 31: Miraculous thoughts and butterflies.

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Ladybug and Cat Noir stood on a rooftop overlooking the river on patrol that night. Things seemed quiet in the city again with still no sign of Hawk Moth.

"Do you think he's going to make his move soon?" Cat Noir asked Ladybug as he looked down at the gently rocking boats on the river. "I hate all of this waiting."

"I would think so. He has always desperately wanted our Miraculouses. I can't imagine he has actually given up that goal. I've always wondered exactly why he wants them, though. Used together, they're supposed to bring great power or have the ability to reverse a past event. How does he know that? How does anyone know that? Did someone else use those powers together and try to take over the world? If so, how were they defeated without the Ladybug Miraculous? Is it in the book?"

"What book?" asked Cat Noir curiously, turning his head to focus on her.

"You know, the Miraculous book," she said and paused as the disturbing idea came to her again about what it might mean that Adrien's father was the current possessor of the book. "And the only people that I know who know of the book are Master Fu and, well . . .  you know." She stopped short of say Gabriel's name out of respect for Adrien's feelings.

"Who?" asked Adrien, not understanding who she meant. 

"You know!" When he stared at her blankly she said "Your father."

"What?!" he asked, his eyebrows practically in his hair with his surprise and confusion. She looked over at him, startled at his response.

"You know about the Miraculous book. Master Fu is the Guardian of it." He was still looking at her blankly, so she tried to continue with her description. "The book that you were looking at in the library awhile ago when Lila came over to see you. The one of your father's that went missing for a bit. . ." Ladybug trailed off as she saw no change in his expression. I guess he doesn't know what I'm talking about, especially just what had happened to the the book when he had briefly lost it and his father had threatened to remove him from school!  

Eventually Cat Noir put together what book she meant, but he had no idea that the book that his father had actually belonged to Master Fu. He shook his head at her, still looking confused as he tried to process how his father came to be in possession of Master Fu's book. How was that even possible?

Ladybug took his silence as proof that he didn't know anything about the book and tried to relate what she knew. "Okay," she began, "let's see if I can remember everything. So, this was obviously before we knew about each other's identities and Lila was just new to school. I was suspicious of Lila- no surprise there- partly because she seemed to be dragging you around, and you guys just met! Anyway, I saw you together in the library where you were looking at the Miraculous book. It has pictures of the different Miraculouses and the superheroes, along with other info I'm not really too clear on. Lila looked like she was trying to flirt with you and I think maybe she saw Ladybug in the book and got jealous of your interest in her? I'm not really sure. Tikki tried to get a closer look at the book and told me that it might be something really important. Then, you dropped your bag and Lila stole the book. It seems like later you two were at the park together. You know, I just happened to be there." Ladybug giggled nervously and Cat Noir raised his eyebrows at her, dubious about that part of her story.

"Anyway, right before you met up with her I saw her throw the book away in the trash! Tikki was determined to look at the book and flew over to retrieve it. She said it was the book! Then Tikki took me to meet Master Fu, who I learned was the Guardian of the Miraculouses, and I was told that the book contained information about special transformation abilities."

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