Chpt 47: Not really the end, is it?

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Marinette awoke as the sun was just starting to peek over the buildings. She had her head pillowed on Adrien's chest, one hand resting beside her face, and looked up to see if he was still asleep. He had his arms beneath his head and had been staring at the clouds, but glanced down at her when he felt her move.

"Good morning," he said, smiling.

"Is it?" she asked him worriedly.

"Yes, it is. No more wondering about my father. No more big secrets. I'm here with you. It's a good morning." She believed him and she felt relieved. They could get through this.

Adrien's phone buzzed, but he made no move to get it. "You're not going to answer?" she asked him.

"No, not yet. I get to decide when I'm going to talk to him. I get to choose, not him. And I'm not ready," he said to her calmly.

"As to that, I had a thought- you know one of those thoughts I had yesterday when I was thinking?" She felt his chest move in a silent laugh. "So, I was thinking that I would ask my parents if you could stay in our guest room for a bit, until you're ready to go back home. I can't promise they will say yes, but I know they will at least listen."

Adrien was touched that she was trying to help him. No one had done that for him before. "But, what would we actually say to them?" He sat them both up and turned to face her. "We can't tell them the truth, which really does bother me because I love your parents and I don't like lying."

"Maybe that you have had some kind of fight with your father, which is basically true, and as long as your father agrees to let you stay, maybe that will be enough for my parents? They really like you."

"Father will never agree to that! He'll never let me out of his control, out of the house!" Adrien started to feel frustrated and angry again.

Marinette saw the change in him and gently touched his chest, willing him to stay calm. "You leave that to me!" said Marinette forcefully. 

Adrien was dubious, but was willing to let her do whatever it was if it meant he wouldn't have to go home yet.

- - -

Marinette made her parents sit down on the couch and she and Adrien stood before them. Her parents watched her, perplexed. "Mom? Dad? I have something to say and I need for you to listen." This made her parents exchange worried glances. Marinette started to pace back and forth as she tried to say what she wanted to. She decided it was best to just get right to the point. "Adrien has had a really bad fight with his father and we were wondering if he could stay in our guest room until things are better?" She stopped in front of them adding "I mean, only if his father agrees to it."

Her parents blinked at her before bursting out in relieved laughter. "Is that all? Not that it isn't a big deal, but phew!" said her mom, putting both of her hands up to her cheeks.

Marinette looked at them sternly. "You don't seem to be taking me seriously!" Marinette said accusingly.

"It's not that at all, honey. It's just that you made such a production of sitting us down on the couch with Adrien by your side that we, well, we thought you were wanting to get engaged or something!" said her dad.

Marinette's jaw dropped. "What?! No! Why would you think that?" Marinette turned bright red, glancing over at Adrien who wouldn't meet her eyes, but who looked like he could hardly contain his laughter at the situation. This was absurd!

Her mother was the one to answer. "You just looked so serious and we couldn't begin to imagine what serious thing you two needed to tell us. So, sorry!" She cleared her throat and returned to the important matter. "And what does Adrien's father think of this?"

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now