Chpt 13: Ladybug explains her Miraculous thoughts. Just listen, Kitty.

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Ladybug and Cat Noir agreed to meet regularly to "patrol" the city so people could feel their presence, hoping that it would reassure the city that they were still around. Cat Noir was waiting on the pre-arranged rooftop when she arrived, casually leaning on his stick.

"Good evening, M'Lady," bowed Cat Noir. She smiled at him, trying to keep in mind her earlier thoughts regarding his behavior. She was trying to go with "endearing, not annoying".

"Hi, Kitty. Seen anything going on?"

"Nope, still quiet. Any particular direction you want to take as we talk?" he asked.

"How about the Eiffel Tower. I'm practically in withdrawal since no villains have taken us there in so long," she joked.

"As M'Lady wishes" and he extended his stick to launch in that direction. Ladybug threw her yoyo to join him. They reached the Eiffel Tower and landed at the top to look over the city and talk. They noticed some people far below pointing up at them and Ladybug and Cat Noir waved.

"I was thinking," Ladybug began, "that if something big is going to happen and we are going to need help, maybe we should train with Al--" She stopped herself just in time, remembering he didn't know Alya's and Nino's secret identities. He eyed her suspiciously. "I mean Rena Rouge and Carapace. We could work on some team building so we get more used to everyone's strengths and fighting styles."

"I'm good with that. I suppose you'll need to talk to Master Fu and see if he agrees first though, and to get the Miraculouses." He couldn't keep himself from sounding a little sullen. He still felt left out since Ladybug was allowed to meet with Master Fu and she knew the secret identities of everyone she chose Miraculouses for. It always made him feel more like a sidekick than a full partner, which made him grumpy.

He looked at her hopefully. She caught his look, knowing full well what he meant. "You know it's not my choice to not include you in these things," she said defensively.

"Yeah, but it doesn't make me feel any better, though, you know." He didn't like that he sounded whiny, but he couldn't help it.  "And when you add being left out of certain important things together with all of the times I've been put under spells to do the villain's bidding, which always seems to be going after you- and not in a good way- I sometimes feel like a drag on this partnership." He frowned, thinking about unconsciously working with Dark Cupid, Princess Fragrance, Zombizou, Despair Bear. The list seemed to be getting longer with every akumatization!

They both remembered they were supposed to be patrolling, not just talking, and directed their gazes over the city.  After checking that things still seemed calm Ladybug said "I've actually thought some about that."   

Cat abruptly focused on her face and tried to figure out what she meant. It seemed she was agreeing with him.  He hadn't really expected her to agree with what he said!  "So, I'm not a useful partner?" he asked neutrally.

Ladybug didn't bother to verbally respond to what she considered to be a stupid question and instead gave him an annoyed look, one that said he should know better than that.  "I was thinking that our Miraculous powers are basically opposites of each other- creation and destruction. And, the Ladybug and Cat Noir Miraculouses are at the center of the Miraculous box, arranged in a Yin-Yang symbol. So, the Ladybug would be the good luck symbol, meaning the Cat could be considered bad luck."

Cat Noir raised his eyebrows, wondering where she was going with this. "So far, not making me feel any better," he complained.

"Just be quiet and listen," she admonished him. "So, we know that the Ladybug Miraculous is the only one that can de-evilise the akuma and return everything the way it was before the destruction. Without that power, it is practically impossible to get everything righted." She looked at him pointedly and he nodded in agreement. "What if the additional power of the Cat Miraculous is to draw away evil directed at Ladybug so she is left to set everything right? Something like bad luck, but with a purpose. Your 'bad luck' has happened so many times it doesn't seem like a coincidence."

Ladybug paused, trying to decide exactly how she wanted to say the next part. "There were those times when you've sacrificed yourself to save me, of course, and those weren't bad luck, and certainly appreciated." She smiled at him and he grinned cockily in return. "And then there were those times you totally didn't think things through and just threw yourself at the enemy- those are completely on you!" He blushed, but she was right about that and he knew it.

"We make the perfect team. I couldn't do this without you, Kitty." They smiled at each other. He felt a lot better. Maybe he did have a real purpose. She cleared her throat. "So, back to the other team thoughts. I'll try to talk to Master Fu soon and see what he thinks, and then I'll get back to you. Anything else to discuss?"

"Not that I can think of. Should we go and make our presence known throughout the rest of the city?" Ladybug nodded and they took off over the rooftops of Paris.

- - - -

Gabriel Agreste studied the dress in front of him. He was supposed to be deciding whether it would get final approval for the show, but he was distracted. The pull of his Miraculous was very strong. He had never gone for so long without using it and he desired the feel of the emotions and power that came with using it. He removed the Butterfly Miraculous from his pocket and attached it to his shirt. Nooroo appeared, hovering a few feet away from Gabriel.

"Yes, Master?" Nooroo asked timidly, not meeting Gabriel's eyes.

"Ah, Nooroo, it has been too long," he said smoothly. He felt the emotions swirling throughout the city and was tempted to use his powers. "I have missed these powerful feelings. I would love to transform and send one of my beautiful akumas out into the city." Nooroo gasped and looked up at him. "But, I am not that cruel," Gabriel continued. Nooroo lowered his eyes again. "There would be no purpose to it since Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses are not here. It is so difficult to wait, but I know that it will be worth it. My plan cannot fail this time!" Gabriel removed the Miraculous, causing Nooroo to disappear back into it, and then he returned it to his pocket and focused his attention on the dress. Soon, he thought.

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