Chpt 32: Things are not so purr-fect.

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Marinette and Adrien headed out of the science room after finishing their test. "Phew! That was tiring," said Marinette. "I barely finished in time!" They headed toward the lockers to drop their stuff off before lunch.

"Yeah, it was long, but it didn't seem as difficult as I expected," Adrien replied. "At least, I hope that was the case and it wasn't that I didn't really understand the questions. I was a little tired today. Late night." They shared a secret smile.

"I'm sure you did fine," Marinette said.

"Yeah, but 'fine' is not good enough for my father you remember," said Adrien. They separated to go to their lockers and met back up to head to lunch.

Marinette and Adrien went through the lunch line, filling their trays. Marinette eyed the enormous pile of food on Adrien's tray. "How can you possibly eat all of that?" she asked him as they headed toward the table where Alya and Nino were.

He looked down at his tray in surprise. "I guess I didn't realize how much I took. Maybe I'm extra hungry today?"

They sat down at the table where Alya was already deep in discussion with Nino about something. " . . . reason for them do you think?" Alya looked over at them and asked "Hey, how do you think the science test went?"

Marinette shrugged. "Pretty good, I think. So, what were you talking about?"

Nino was the one to reply. "Alya was wondering what was up with all of the white butterfly sightings. Like, are they actually around for some reason or just out there to scare people?"

Alya nodded her head in agreement. "I'm wondering if Ladybug is going to talk about them at some point. Maybe I could interview her for my blog, if I can contact her some way. She does sometimes read my blog, so maybe I could post the question to her there?" Alya looked thoughtful.

"That's a good idea, Alya," said Marinette. She glanced over at Adrien who had already managed to eat half his tray.

"What?" asked Adrien as his fork was halfway up to his mouth. "Maybe that science test took more energy than I realized," he said once he understood what Marinette's look meant.

Alya's phone beeped a notification, followed by Marinette's, and then Adrien's. They all took out their phones. Alya was the first to bring up the video that prompted the notification. White butterflies were spotted by the Eiffel Tower.

Marinette and Adrien shared a quick glance and both stood up. Marinette said "Uh, we just remembered we need to finish something up . . ." Adrien finished with "in the library before our next class. See you!" They cleared their trays and walked quickly toward the gym.

"So, the library, huh?" said Alya to Nino. They smiled at each other, not believing that story. At all. "They are so cute!" said Alya.

"Well, I wouldn't say cute, but they seem really happy together," said Nino.

"Hey, they finished each other's sentence. What else can that be called but cute?" said Alya. Nino rolled his eyes, not commenting, and went back to working on his lunch.

Adrien took Marinette's hand and led her toward the rooftop stairs. They reached the rooftop and he brought her around behind the air conditioner cooling tower. "I've found this spot very useful for transforming!"

She didn't understand what he was saying at first. Then she realized. "Ah, Tuesdays!" she said.

"Tikki, SPOTS ON!"

said Marinette at the same time Adrien said

"Plagg, CLAWS OUT!"

and then they headed off over the rooftops toward the Eiffel Tower.

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now