Chpt 16: Master Fu could really use some tea, Wayzz.

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Marinette stood outside of Master Fu's office apartment later that evening. She was extremely worried about what Master Fu would think of her new relationship with Adrien and she couldn't quite make herself knock on the door. She continued to stare at the door as a million thoughts raced through her head. Should I wait to tell him about Adrien? We've hardly been together after all.  What if it doesn't work out?  I so want it to work out! Is Ladybug even allowed to have a boyfriend? She shook her head to try to clear away her jumbled thoughts and pull herself together.

This is stupid, Marinette!  Standing here is pointless and I need to talk to Master Fu about the plan anyway. Plus, I'll never know if I don't ask, she thought. She got her courage together and knocked on the door. Master Fu soon peered out and, after recognizing her, opened the door and welcomed her in.

"Marinette, what are you doing here?" he asked cautiously. "Has something happened?"

"Not exactly, but I have something I think I need to tell you and something to ask you." Tikki flew out of the purse to sit on Marinette's shoulder for support. Marinette rushed on with her words before she lost her nerve.

"First, I wanted to let you know that I kind of have a boyfriend. At least, I think I do. And I wanted you to know that he doesn't know that I'm Ladybug and I won't reveal it and I don't think it will affect me being Ladybug, but since I have never had a boyfriend or been a superhero with a boyfriend, I don't really know." Marinette looked down at the floor to avoid Master Fu's eyes in case he was unhappy with this new development.

"Marinette, Marinette, slow down. Who is this boy?"

"His name is Adrien and he's in my class at school." Marinette missed seeing Master Fu and Wayzz, Master Fu's green turtle-like kwami, share a knowing glance.

Master Fu quietly said "One cannot keep those who are meant to be together apart for long." Wayzz looked suspiciously at Tikki, who avoided his gaze.

"What?" asked Marinette, her eyes returning to his face now that the worst was over.

"Oh, nothing, just that that is wonderful and I'm sure that you will do a good job of balancing everything, Marinette," he said. "Now what else did you need to talk to me about?" 

 Marinette let out a sigh of relief. Things had gone much better than she had thought they would. "Well, Cat Noir and I think that Hawk Moth is planning something big and we're hoping to be as prepared as we can to face whatever it is, but we think we may end up needing help like we have in the past. We thought that we should do some training together with Rena Rouge and Carapace so we further develop our ability to work as a team and learn more about everyone's fighting styles. This should increase our likelihood of beating Hawk Moth."  She studied Master Fu's face trying to read his reaction to her words, but there was no hint as to what he was thinking.  Marinette started to fidget as the old man continued to stay silent. 

Finally Master Fu cleared his throat.  "This would mean regularly using the other Miraculouses, which would put them in more danger of being found." Marinette frowned slightly, but nodded in agreement.  "However, building a better team should increase your possibility of success, as you've said. The question is, is it worth the risk?" he mused. "Wayzz, what is your opinion?"

Wayzz, who often advised Master Fu about matters related to the Miraculouses, thought about it and then said "I believe, Master, that if we find them a secluded building to train in and that Rena Rouge and Carapace are not seen outside at all during this time, the risk should be minimal, and the reward could be great."

Master Fu considered what Wayzz said before nodding slightly. "I agree, Wayzz. Marinette, you may come to retrieve the Miraculouses right before the training and return them directly after. We will look into finding you a suitable building in which to train."

"Thank you, Master Fu!" she said as her phone dinged a notification.  She eyed the phone and saw that the message was from her mom wondering where she was. "I need to get home now. Should I come by tomorrow to hear about the location, or is that too soon?"

"If you are able to use the location I am thinking of, I should have enough time to arrange it by tomorrow. Goodbye, Marinette.  See you soon." 

 Tikki waved to Wayzz and then flew back into Marinette's purse.

"Goodbye, Master Fu!" Marinette bowed to him and left the building feeling more optimistic than she had in a long time. Whether from the new training or her new relationship with Adrien, she didn't really know. Probably both!

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now