Chpt 28: Costumes, movies, and friends.

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Adrien and Marinette stood in line for tickets to the movie and Adrien was feeling very self-conscious in his costume. Marinette had been adamant that they wear them to the movie as apparently this showing of the movie encouraged costumes, so they stopped by the costume shop before coming to the theater. 

"Are you sure no one is going to recognize us?" he asked uneasily, his costume making noises as he fidgeted.

"To quote my favorite boyfriend 'everyone will see what they expect to see'. There are tons of other people wearing these same Cat Noir and Ladybug costumes. We look just like everyone else! And, it also disguises you to keep any of your adoring fans, besides your adoring girlfriend, from recognizing you. So, it will just be us today!" 

Adrien was pretty sure she was right but it still felt really weird. They bought their tickets to the 'The Adventures of Ladybug and Cat Noir' movie and went into the theater and found seats.

Marinette looked over at him. "You know, you do look a little different- it's mostly in your eyes. You don't have your all-green cat eyes," she whispered.

"You pretty much look exactly the same, though you look even better in your real outfit," he whispered back.

The movie started. Adrien took Marinette's hand and relaxed to watch the movie. He had done the voice of Cat Noir in it, which had been weird- his father had gotten him the role for some reason. Both he and Marinette had been at the movie premiere, but some changes had been made since then. Adrien recalled some of the lines, but the plot seemed even more ridiculous than he remembered and Cat Noir and Ladybug were so unlike them- Ladybug was afraid of cats?!- that they both couldn't help laughing at totally inappropriate times. They did it so often that the other audience members started to shush them. Many Ladybugs and Cats turned around to glare at them- it was surreal. But, they had a wonderful time and felt exhausted after it was over from laughing so much! Adrien had to admit Marinette's idea of going in costume had been a good one as no one could possibly recognize them.

On the way out of the theater a girl came over to them. "You both look so much like the real superheroes! Can I take your picture?" she asked. Adrien and Marinette exchanged an amused glance and posed for the girl. The girl took the picture and looked at it on her phone, giving a little squeal of happiness before thanking them and running off.

"Well, that was different," said Marinette. She took his hand and they walked out of the theater.

"So, I'm thinking maybe we should get out of these costumes," said Adrien, noticing the attention they were getting the farther they walked from the theater. He now believed Marinette about no one really thinking they were the real-life superheroes- the costumes weren't very good after all- but he would prefer not to be noticed.

"Okay, let's stop by my house to change out of them, but first I think we need a picture of ourselves," she said.

"Marinette!" he said, shocked.  Letting a complete stranger take their photo seemed a lot different than having actual evidence on their own phones.

"Oh, come on. We've already gone over this! No one's going to know who we really are from seeing us in these costumes," she said as she pulled on the loose fabric on her arm. She got out her phone, leaned in close to Adrien, and took a selfie before he chickened out. "There," she said pulling up the photo to show him. 

Seeing them together in the ill-fitting costumes made Admit that no one would mistake them for superheroes.  The real costumes did make a huge difference.  

"I sent it to you," Marinette said and then put away her phone. He smiled as the notification beeped on his phone and he looked at the photo pop up. He would certainly remember this day, but he was glad to have a photo to remember it, too.

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now