Chpt 22: Maybe not everyone sees what they expect to see, Adrien.

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The next morning Marinette stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of her home to find Adrien waiting for her. "Good morning!" he said to her.

"Good morning! It's really great to see you, but, um, won't this kind of let everyone know that we are together?" she asked him.

"Not necessarily. We are working on a project together so everyone will see what they expect to see. Besides, I couldn't wait to see you!" he said making every effort not to kiss her, in case anyone they knew saw them. "And, just for you, I'll try not to let anyone else see my happiness." He put a silly frown on his face. "Is this better?" he asked her.

She looked over at his goofy expression and jabbed him in the side with her elbow. "Oof!" he said, rubbing his side. 

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she said, instantly feeling bad. That feeling only lasted for a second, though, as he then said, smiling, "You can just give me a kiss later to make up for it!"

She made sure to keep her expression neutral. "Well, if I really have to," she replied, heading off toward the school without him. He grinned and ran a little to catch up. They walked up the stairs, stopped by their lockers, and then walked into Ms. Bustier's class.

Alya saw them enter the class together. She especially noted Marinette and Adrien talking and Marinette smiling up at him, while apparently actually making sense as she replied to Adrien's question. She began to wonder whether they were now more than just friends. If so, it's a miracle! she thought. And it's about time!

Alya wasn't the only one to notice the change in Marinette. Chloe saw the two of them enter the classroom smiling and talking, and she started to glare at Marinette. Sabrina noticed where Chloe was looking, glad she wasn't the recipient of that look!

"Chloe, is everything alright?" Sabrina asked tentatively, not sure if she should have even brought it up. 

 Chloe looked at Sabrina. "No, it is not! What is she doing with my Adrikins?"

Sabrina tried to calm Chloe down. "Well, they are working on the class project together," Sabrina said quietly, trying to get Chloe to see reason.

"I certainly don't smile like that at my project partner!" she said pointedly at Sabrina, who was her project partner.

"I could. . . look into it for you, Chloe, if you want," Sabrina offered, wanting to get back on Chloe's good side.

Chloe looked at her consideringly. "Report back to me at the end of the day! I need to know what's going on!" Chloe flicked her perfectly coiffed blonde hair and got out her mirrored compact to check her make-up. Sabrina nodded and made a plan to follow Adrien and Marinette.

Sabrina spent the day trying to inconspicuously tail her subjects. She took some photos of them together at Marinette's locker, walking together to lunch, sitting with Nino and Alya at lunch, and talking on their way back to class. They did seem more comfortable with each other- Marinette didn't do anything really embarrassing all day, amazing for her!- but couldn't that just be because they were talking more since they were working on the project together? Sabrina didn't see any real hints to indicate that the two were more than friends. She hoped Chloe would come to the same conclusion, or things could get bad!

Sabrina sent the photos to Chloe along with her summary report. She hoped her efforts would be enough for Chloe to invite her to spend time with her this afternoon!

Adrien and Marinette were oblivious to Sabrina's surveillance, completely wrapped up in each other. Alya and Nino, however, did notice Sabrina's suspicious behavior.

"What is she up to?" Alya mused out loud. 

 "Nothing good, I'm sure," Nino replied as they watched Sabrina hide behind a column and watch Adrien and Marinette. 

 "Chloe must have noticed how well Adrien and Marinette are getting along and she is so possessive of Adrien! We better keep an eye out for trouble!" Alya looked at Nino and they shared a look and a nod. They would protect their friends. They got this!

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now