Chpt 14: Plagg and Tikki have an interesting conversation at Adrien's.

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Marinette approached the imposing wrought iron gates at Adrien's mammoth-sized house five minutes before they were supposed to meet to work on their project.  It was always a little difficult to believe Adrien lived in such a fortress.  She steeled herself to ring the intercom and pushed the button.

"Yes?" came an emotionless voice through the speaker.  

"Um, I'm Marinette.  Adrien's partner for a school project.  I'm supposed to meet him in five minutes."  There was no reply, but the gates opened and Marinette walked up to the front door. 

Nathalie, Mr. Agreste's assistant, opened the door and let Marinette in to the enormous art deco-style foyer.  "You may wait here until Adrien's tutor leaves and Adrien comes down to get you."  The woman then turned and left. 

Marinette stood quietly where Nathalie left her, feeling very self-conscious and out of place.  The entire foyer was in black, white, and gray: gray-veined marble tile on the floor and parts of the wall; a large black, white, and gray flower-like inset on the floor; black doors and planters with art-deco designs.  It all felt very stark to Marinette- more like a hotel lobby rather than a home.

She looked up at the painting of Adrien and his father that dominated the room at the top of the stairs.  They were both dressed in a lot of black, like they were in mourning.  Adrien's face looked so sad it made her heart hurt.  She wondered why Gabriel would choose that particular portrait to greet guests. 

Tikki poked her head out of Marinette's purse.  "It must be lonely for Adrien living here.  It also doesn't seem very friendly.  Poor Adrien."  Tikki's comments completely echoed Marinette's thoughts. They heard a door click and Tikki tucked herself back in the purse.

A man came down the stairs and passed by her on the way out without even acknowledging her.  A moment later Adrien came down the stairs to get her.  

"Hi, Marinette!" he smiled.  

Marinette returned his smile before "Really friendly tutor you have there!" sarcastically slipped out of her mouth.  She gasped and clasped both hands over her mouth- she hadn't meant to say that out loud!

Luckily, Adrien didn't seem to take any offense at that as he said "Well, you know, my father only wants the best for me and the best often comes with quite the ego!  Come on up to my room- we'll have plenty of space to spread out and work there."  

Marinette imagined that any room here would have plenty of space!  The place was huge! 

Adrien turned around and started back up the stairs.  Marinette started climbing the stairs beside him when the expression on Adrien's face in the portrait caught her eye again distracting her from what she was doing.  She missed a step and started to topple over.  Adrien seemed to be expecting it, reached out his hand to right her, and continued up the stairs.  Marinette felt another jolt at his touch and then felt embarrassed not only that Adrien didn't seem to be affected by her touch in the same way, but also that her clumsiness had apparently become so predictable that he rescued her unconsciously now!

Adrien opened the door to his room and gestured that she enter.  She walked in and looked around while he shut the door.  His room was large, with a very high ceiling, stairs leading to another level where the walls were covered in shelves, a huge bank of floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the city, and a desk with multiple computer screens. 

There was also every imaginable entertainment in the room that a teenage boy could possibly want: a climbing wall, basketball hoop, arcade games, foosball table, a couch and a huge TV.  Marinette thought that he really must spend all of his time at home in this room since it was practically apartment-sized with everything he might need.  Yet, it didn't really feel very homey.  Adrien led her over to his desk and pulled up a chair for her. 

"Wow, Adrien, your room is huge!" she said, her head still turning to try to take everything in.  "And what a great view out your windows!"

"Yes," he said somewhat sadly, "some days that's all I'm allowed to see of the city when my father won't let me go out with you guys."  He sighed.  "Well, anyway, I'm glad you're here so we can get our work done on the project."  He then sent a goofy grin her way.  "If we make good progress, maybe we'll have time for me to beat you at Ultimate Mecha Strike III.  I've been practicing you know."

"And losing a lot," added Plagg snidely and quietly from his shirt, so only Adrien could hear him.  Adrien gave his shirt a slight poke, feeling a bit better when he heard a small grunt from Plagg. 

"There is absolutely no chance you will beat me, Adrien!  I am a trophy-winning champion, you remember!" said Marinette archly, forgetting her nervousness around him for the moment.  She was quite confident in her video gaming abilities.  "I hope we have time for me to remind you!  Let's get to work!" 

Marinette sat down at the desk, got out her school stuff, and put the rest of her things by her feet.  As Adrien started to walk toward his chair, he was surprised that Plagg flew out of his shirt and headed toward some shadows.  He wondered what Plagg was doing and hoped he wouldn't let himself be seen!

While Marinette and Adrien were busy working, Plagg snuck through the shadows until he was down by Marinette's feet.  He stuck his head in the purse and whispered "Tikki?" 

Tikki pulled Plagg into the purse and then poked her head out to check if anyone noticed them, before ducking back into the purse.  "What are you doing, Plagg!  We're going to get caught!" she hissed at him. 

"Nah.  They're busy working.  I'm surprised that they aren't being all lovey-dovey, but then, they are both so stupid.  Not recognizing each other in and out of their outfits. We had an excuse for not recognizing their identities, since we can't see when we're transformed.  They have no excuse!  Don't their eyes work?  It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to constantly listen to him pine over Ladybug.  Ugh!  She's right there!" he ranted and pointed out of the purse. 

Tikki put one arm over his mouth to stop his talking and then grabbed his arm back in.  "You seem just a tad frustrated with your Cat today," Tikki joked.  "Marinette is just as bad- mooning constantly over Adrien.  If only we could help them now that we know, but Master Fu would never approve."  She paused considering the situation their two favorite people were in.  "I really can't see what harm would come of it since they already know each other in their normal lives anyway,"  Tikki said slowly.  Plagg tried to respond but Tikki kept his mouth covered knowing he wasn't calmed down about it yet.  "So, should we do something for a bit until they're done?" 

Plagg tried to decide just what that different note in Tikki's voice could mean.  Could she be condoning interfering to help Adrien and Marinette?  And did she mean that they should let themselves be seen?  Plagg was surprised that Tikki would break the rules and risk being seen.  Maybe she hoped an "accidental" sighting of them both would bring it all out in the open.  Tikki removed her arm from his mouth. 

 "Hmm. . . ," said Plagg, right before he started plotting.

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now