Chpt 25: Plagg is miffed. And Adrien wants to play a video game?

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Marinette rushed over to Adrien's arriving exactly on time. In her haste she fell towards the gate, accidentally pushing the intercom button twice.

"Marinette?" came Nathalie's disapproving-sounding voice over the speaker.

"Yes?" she replied meekly. The gate opened and Marinette ran towards the door, so she would be there right when it opened. Nathalie let her in and told her to wait for Adrien before going into Gabriel's office and shutting the door behind her. A moment later, Adrien came down to get her. "No tutor?" asked Marinette.

"He left a minute before you came. I'm sure you really missed seeing him!" he joked.

"Right," she said sarcastically, "I just love that guy. He's so friendly!" They went up the stairs to his room and Marinette put her things down by his desk.

Plagg flew over to greet her. "Camembert?" he asked her offering her a piece.

Adrien raised one eyebrow at Plagg. "How come you're not offering me any?" Adrien asked him, not that he wanted it, but Plagg was his kwami after all.

Plagg turned toward him and said stiffly "If I recall correctly, and I do, you disparaged my favorite food the first time we met and many more times since then- you don't deserve any!" He turned back to Marinette.

"Thank you, Plagg, for the offer but I just had a snack," she lied, not wanting to hurt his feelings. She wasn't a big fan of the stinky cheese.

Plagg shrugged and gulped the piece down. "Can't say I didn't offer. I'm off to take a nap. Wake me if anything interesting is going to happen!" He flew off toward the back of the room.

Tikki was still in Marinette's purse. Marinette wondered why the two kwamis weren't going to do something together. "Tikki, is something wrong with Plagg?" she asked.

Tikki poked her head out. "He just got his feelings hurt over something and is being a big baby about it," she huffed.

"I heard that- I'm not being a baby!" Plagg called from the other room. 

 "I'll just rest in your purse for now." Tikki went back in and curled up for a nap.

"Wonder what that is all about," Adrien said. 

Marinette shrugged. "They've known each other forever. I'm sure they'll work it out." She gave him a quick kiss and then sat down at the desk. "Let's finish this, so maybe we have time for a 'video game' later." That got Adrien's attention and he took the seat next to her.

Awhile later, they both said "Done!" and did a fist bump before they even realized what they were doing. Everything was ready to turn in next week. They even had time for the "video game" before Marinette had to leave.

They sat down next to each other on the couch and Marinette leaned over for a kiss just as Adrien started up Ultimate Mecha Strike III instead. Marinette sat back up. "You do know that this wasn't exactly what I meant, right?" Marinette asked Adrien, glancing over at him as he continued to push buttons to load the game. 

He laughed. "Yes, I'm pretty sure I know what you meant, but I have a plan."

"Oh, really?" she asked playfully. "You know I will beat you, right? I'm certainly not going to let you win, even if you are my boyfriend." Adrien smiled one of his lop-sided grins at her- the ones that always made her heart flutter- and she knew she was in trouble. She had a pretty good idea what his plan might be, more of less, but she was determined to prove that he couldn't distract her- even if there were kisses involved!  

"I don't want you to let me win, but I may use some of my new skills to win," he said with a wink.

They each chose their robots and started playing. Marinette was much better at putting all of her different hits together into combos to get more points, though Adrien was closer to her skill level than last time they played. He had said he'd been practicing. Marinette still won pretty easily, though. They started another round. Marinette's thoughts moved away from the game and focused instead on what he might have planned and when he would start implementing it. Just what skills was he talking about? His gaming skills or . . . ? She looked over at him, anticipation distracting her, and missed blocking his hits. He overtook her score! She focused her attention back on the screen and took the lead again. Adrien moved closer to her on the couch, though he still seemed to be focused on the game. Marinette's heart started beating faster now that he was sitting only a few inches from her. Or  was he talking about his new skills at kissing because he is very skilled at that! Her mind started thinking about the last time they had really kissed. His arm brushed against hers as he was directing his robot in an attack on her robot causing her to completely lose her focus. She paused the game, set the controller down, and stood up to face him. Adrien gazed innocently up at her, a question in his eyes.  She examined his face and almost believed that his distracting actions weren't planned, but the playful twinkle in his eyes gave him away.

"You win!" Marinette said and she removed the controller from his hand, setting it by hers. "Time for my video game choice," she said and leaned down toward him for a now very much anticipated kiss. 

Adrien grinned broadly- he knew his plan would work! He pulled her down next to him, put his arms around her, and they kissed.

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now