Chpt 10: Marinette tries to help and then to get control of herself.

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The next morning when Marinette headed toward the lockers, she noticed that the school was all abuzz with chatter about Ladybug's speech and Hawk Moth's white butterflies. She tried to listen in on as many conversations as she could as she wound her way through the groups of students. She really wanted to find out whether her speech had helped at all. What she heard was unfortunately not reassuring.

"We've never seen white butterflies together in a group like that before.   Only just after Ladybug de-evilizes the akuma.  Are they dangerous?" Marinette heard a girl saying.  Another boy was asking "What is Hawk Moth planning?" 

Rose was over by the stairs crying on Juleka's shoulder saying "I don't want a repeat of Heroes' Day!"  Since Rose had been akumatized by Scarlet Moth for the second time on Heroes' Day, Marinette didn't blame her for being worried, but it wasn't going to help her if she stayed so scared all of the time! 

Marinette shared a concerned glance with Tikki, who had poked her head out of the purse just a bit to see what was going on.  Tikki nodded at her in unspoken agreement- Marinette needed to try to help Rose and anyone else that she could!  She turned away from the lockers and headed over to talk with the two girls.

Adrien entered the school soon after Marinette and saw the upset caused by last night's happenings.  "So much for my idea that Ladybug's speech would help reassure everyone!" he muttered to himself. 

"Yeah, people seem even more upset today," said Plagg from inside his shirt, thinking Adrien was talking to him.  "That wasn't part of your plan was it?"  Plagg so loved poking at Adrien!

"Of course not!" replied Adrien quietly.  Then, he wondered if encouraging Ladybug to give a speech was what set off Hawk Moth's plan.  Maybe Adrien just made everything worse!  He grimaced at that thought.

Adrien started across the room toward the lockers deep in thought when his mind registered Marinette's voice.  He looked toward the voice and saw Marinette squatting down next to Rose and Juleka, talking quietly with them.  He wondered what was going on and he changed his course to casually stroll by to hear what they were talking about.

"You need to try to stay positive, Rose!  You are always so kind and gentle and by continuing to treat everyone like that, you will be doing your part.  Just like Ladybug said last night!"  Marinette leaned over and gave them both a hug.

Adrien saw Rose give Marinette a tremulous smile and he smiled to himself as he changed direction again back toward the lockers.  Marinette was always so optimistic and kind to her friends.  She was one of the only people he knew who took the time to try to listen and be a good friend to anyone who needed one, even Cat Noir. 

He was opening the door to the lockers, when he felt someone bump into his back.  He turned around and saw Marinette looking up at him, mortified.  She quickly looked down and bowed her head before she started waving her hands about as she rushed to explain.  "Oh, um.  Hi, Adrien!  I was just thinking and walking, well, you could probably tell that since I walked right into you.  Not that I can't normally think and walk at the same time.  I can do that successfully.  But, apparently, not today."  She glanced up at him, without raising her head.  "Good morning?" she said trying to stop her nervous stream of words.

"Good morning, Marinette," he replied and held the door open for her, gesturing for her to go through.  She straightened and glanced up at him with an awkward smile, pushing a tendril of loose hair behind her ear while she walked through to the lockers.

"Ha, ha. Thanks, Adrien," she said with a nervous giggle.  She hurried over to her locker. 

Adrien headed toward his own locker, shaking his head slightly at the mystery of Marinette.  He couldn't quite understand why she was so nervous around him.  They were friends, so what was there to be nervous about?  If it was actually nervousness.  He guessed he wasn't really sure what it was, hence the mystery.  He closed his locker and headed over to Marinette's to talk to her about their project.

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now