Chpt 7: Ms. Bustier is so nice to grant Marinette's wish!

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Alya was buzzing with excitement at school the next morning. "Marinette," she said as soon as Marinette took the seat beside her, "Ladybug called me last night to tell me to cover an announcement she's going to make tonight!"

"Wow, that's exciting, Alya!" Marinette said, smiling at her. "Any idea what she's going to talk about?"

"I already know all about it!" Chloe interjected as she stopped right next to them, looking down at them. "Ladybug called us last night first to arrange her speech from the Mayor's podium and, since Ladybug and I are so close, I will be right there beside her in case she needs any help!"

Marinette and Alya shared a look, both rolling their eyes in response to Chloe's exaggerated comments.

Adrien entered the classroom and took his seat in front of Marinette. "What's going on?" he asked the girls, turning around in his seat to face Marinette, Alya, and Chloe. Marinette quickly looked down at her papers, avoiding Adrien's inquiring gaze.

"I'm finally going to get some news to put on my Ladyblog" said Alya at the same time that Chloe said "Ladybug is going to address the city tonight and I was the first to know about it, Adrikins. Daddy and I know all about what she's going to say, but we're not supposed to talk about it."

"That's great!" he replied to them both, switching his glance between the two girls, unsure who to look at.

"Quiet everyone!" Ms. Bustier began the roll call. Chloe took her seat answering "Present!" as her name was called. Ms. Bustier finished taking attendance and then moved on to the day's lesson, with most everyone's attention focused on the front of the classroom. Adrien, however, was only half listening as he thought about how he would go about leaving the house that night to meet Ladybug for her speech. Playing his piano recording or "taking a shower" could only work so often. He'd need to think of something.

"And Adrien and Marinette will be paired up" Adrien heard Ms. Bustier say. He turned around to face Marinette in hopes she would give him some indication as to what he missed hearing, but she was looking down at her book, not meeting his gaze. He turned back around. He'd have to start paying more attention, or his grades were going to suffer and he would hear from his father, but not in the way he hoped for!

"This will make up 25% of your grade, so make sure to take this seriously this time," said Ms. Bustier directing her gaze specifically at Kim, who had failed his last project. Chloe let out a loud laugh, which Ms. Bustier chose to ignore. "Please get together with your partners now to discuss your plan for completing the project. I will hand out a sheet that lists the dates you will have some class time to work on your projects."

Adrien turned around again to face Marinette. "So, I kind of missed what Ms. Bustier said about the project. Could you fill me in? Sorry!" he said sheepishly. Marinette stared really hard at the paper in front of her, before gathering up her will and managing to get out a few mostly coherent sentences about the project. Adrien nodded his head in understanding.

"I know you, um, have a pretty complicated schedule." She blushed since he didn't know just how much she knew about what he did everyday! "So, do I . . . I mean, you, have any thoughts about when and where we should meet?" Marinette finally got up the courage to glance up and tried to meet his eyes, but Adrien was looking down as he thought about her question.

Adrien was trying to mentally list all the many things on his and Cat Noir's full schedule and decided maybe he could meet at her house after Cat Noir visited on Tuesday, since he would already be there anyway. And, maybe another day there. Then she could come to his house after one of his tutors, if he could get Nathalie to agree. It would be nice to have some company at home once in awhile and to stay in one place for an evening.

He related his thoughts to her and she nodded in agreement. He did note her intake of breath when she heard him mention Tuesday- he wondered what excuse she would make to avoid meeting with him at her place when Cat Noir was supposed to be there. He didn't want to torture her, figuring she probably wasn't letting anyone know Cat Noir was at her house every week, so he didn't offer the time right after school, though he couldn't keep from smiling a little as she seemed to relax once she heard the time. He really did want to know what crazy excuse she might come up with! Although, considering how much trouble she had talking with him at times, he probably wouldn't understand what she said anyways. With the days tentatively arranged, they then began to work on their plan to finish everything by the deadline.

"Just a Friend?" Book 1 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy (MLB FanFic) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now