Chapter 6 - Schedule ...

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Maya's P.O.V

This past week with Elli was... weird and awkward but still ok. Thursday and Friday we had to watch Xavier and Delilah since Wednesday was there last day at freshman orientation camp, and we spent those two days going to the movies, Frankie's, Adventure Landing, out for dinner, and just straight chilling.

Saturday we just chilled at home after church of course because it was the Sabbath. I may have tattoos and piercings and other stuff the bible says is wrong, but I still believe in God and even though I don't claim the religion Christianity, I still respect my parents view and go to church with them. I don't have a specific religion because they're things in each religion that are correct. I don't believe there is a specific way to praise God because everyone speaks to him in their own comfort zone.

Today is Sunday. It's 12 o'clock and I didn't even make my schedule for the summer. My flight leaves in 2 hours and I'm all packed up and so is my brother. I have an hour to make this schedule before Elli comes over.

Okay so the summer of 2013 was looking good. We're leaving today, which is the 17th of June. Xavier's birthday is tomorrow and he gets to spend it with his cousins. Tomorrow is Monday so this is perfect.

June 18-30 (A/n-One day less than 2 weeks) we will spend nights and days at Olivia's mom house. She is our crazy, loud, and obnoxious aunt. And the first Monday, we'll have a party for Xavier!

Awe, my baby bro is turning 15, Secute. He'll probably want to chill with his old buddies from before we moved here; just like me they've been planning a return party forever.

The apple doesn't fall to far from the stem. Ha-ha, I can't say tree because I didn't give birth to him, but a stem and apple are like siblings right? I laughed at how weird I was being, but then again, we Martians are peculiar. Oh yea! I should've mentioned I was a Martian, but no one believes me so, ehh....

Anyhoe, then the July 1-14 (A/n-2 weeks) we'll spend with our grandma. July 4th, my place is going to be the spot! Since grams birthday is July 12th I'll make a nice dinner and throw a bang-ass party!

I guess I should mention we still have a house over there. My grandma uses he first floor as her daycare center.

The 15th to the 28th (A/n-again 2 weeks) we'll spend nights at friends' houses catching up with our peeps and doing fun, crazy, and "safe" things.

The three days after that will just be for us to drive around remembering things, probably visit old parks and stuff we haven't been to in a while.

Then the 1st to 14th (A/n-I think you guys get it but, 2 weeks) of August, we'll spend at my other aunts house, Skye's mom. She's the kind, quiet aunt who lets us go out and do whatever.

Then finally the 15th to the 21st, (A/n-1 week, woa dere, caught ya) I'll "kidnap" my cousins and we'll all get some school shopping done, before my flight on the 22nd.

Once back in Cali, the 22nd to the 26th (A/n-5 days) me and Elli will finish school shopping and get ready for school the 27th.

I feel like this summer, is going to fly by, but be one to remember.

"Damn May. Looks like your summer is going to be just fine without me," I jumped.

I turned around and saw Elli, "What the hell Elli! You scared the flying moon dogs out of me!"

"Moon dogs May?"

"Yes moon dogs! Unlike you, I'm reducing my swearing for the good of my vocabulary!"

"Shut the hell up May,"

"Whatever! What time is it?"

"It's 12:15, your flight leaves in 1 hour and 45 minutes,"

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