prompt #2 "you're not grian..."

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Send my thanks to AjexxanAlterline!
Inspired by a post on tumblr!
Grian had been acting oddly lately, most hermits that interacted with him on a daily basis-- never mind, even TFC had noticed the change in his fellow hermit, and they'd only talked a handful of times!-- were worried about him.

He almost seemed more... Mechanic? does that make any sense? He was less hyper and all over the place, he was missing all the small imperfections that made him, well him-- and what had happened to that small skip in his steps?

He was getting more and more holed up in his base, to the point that the only time they'd see him, was late at night, buying supplies at shops, or gathering materials.

There was no new crazy game, set up by him.

There was no noise.

Mostly of all though, there was far too much tense air.

Barely even a single word had been heard from him, which begged the question: What was going on with their newest hermit?

It got worse and worse, eventually the hermits scheduled a meeting, which of course the blonde hadn't attended, and discussed this-- issue.

"This simply isn't like him" said Mumbo, equally baffled as the next hermit, although he knew grian the longest out of them all.

They then turned to Iskall, being the second person who G spoke most to, who merely shrugged.

"I think we might have to confront him."

"Confront him? How?"

And the meeting continued, as they formulated their plan, grian wouldn't be hard to find, he'd obviously be at his base.

Once they got to the massive futuristic flower pot (of doom) , they noticed something, well, strange to say the least.

Around Grian's main base, sat a large quantity of... Rustic houses? which was strange, considering the whole base's build style.

As they walked in, they saw Grian (was it really him tough?) crafting more wood, theoretically for more rustic houses.

Something was off-- well offer-- the blonde's smile was a bit too big, and his stance too wide, as he turned around to see the hermits--

And suddenly Iskall ambushed him.

"ISKALL! what do you think you're doing! we don't attack friends!" (help, I just imagined a feral Iskall ambushing a grian and mumbo scolding him like a five year old-- my god. can someone draw that?) shouted mumbo, looking as if he was scolding a five year old.

"I'm not quite sure he is a friend." snarled Iskall, pinning Grian to the ground.

Mumbo was about to continue his little fit-

"Does Grian have this?" he asked, lifting a struggling Grian's (not griannnn) hair, and showing a-- switch? on the back of his neck.

Mumbo was utterly speechless, lucky for him some thing else started speaking.

The Grian doppelganger had started to talk.

"I am NPC Grian. I am the perfect variant of Grian."

"Where is grian you bastard!"

"RusticHouseRusticHouseRusticHouseRusticHouse" answered NPG, who then released itself from iskall's tight grip, and started escaping.



This is criminally short after such a long wait... sorry 'bout that .

Hope this was good enough though!

Shouldn't have trusted that note in chapter one...


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