ranting ranting ranting and more ranting.

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There is no need to read this, I simply had to rant a bit over my classmates. (I really may seem extremely rude in this chapter)

You see, I am a random 14 year old girl, in a classroom of incompetent 15 year olds.

Honestly, sometimes I honestly can't believe them, for example, I have a friend with a medical condition, so she can't do PE or go up and down stairs, these guys. They just walk up to her and just start-- how do I explain this? you know what, I'll show you something they told her, word by word , "Hey M.E! Why are you using the elevator, huh? do you think you're BETTER than us?!" She was getting notably uncomfortable, to the point that I cut the conversation and punched the guy in the face.

Bullying is a big problem at my school, I'm abnormally tall for a 14 year old girl, that makes me the constant subject of teasing.

I find most people in my generation utterly sickening, they LAUGH AT SUICIDE FOR GODS SAKE! they crack jokes about it CONSTANTLY. I always tell them to "shut up!" or "that isn't funny!". but i'm just the ridiculously tall girl. who listens to THAT? It's gotten to the point, where I have to train for self-defense.

I am royally pissed off today though, that same M.E? She was teased, ridiculed even, told that she was a lesbian, though she is openly straight, I don't have an issue with lesbians, but the way they spoke to her, it made me want to punch them, yet I couldn't afford another week of detention, so told them to shut up and pulled M.E along. They shouted after her "JUST GONNE LET YOUR GIRLFRIEND FIGHT YOUR BATTLES? WEAK!"

WHO DO THEY THINK THEY FUDGING ARE?! You don't just scream at people, and accuse them of something with no proof!

Honestly, i'm disappointed in me, for not punching tat guy in the face, disappointed in the school for not watching over these type of things, but most of all, im disappointed in those bullies.

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