reunited (part 2 of separated)

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P.S the way that this works, is that in both season 1 and 2, all the hermits were old college friends. from then on, hermits that joined were people they met along the way.


The years passed.

The seasons passed.

Hermits came and gone.

But Mumbo never forgot him- He never forgot the times his blonde friend would shout at him for burning everything he tried cooking, their goofs and derps, he never forgot grian.

He made new friends, he met Iskall and stress, cleo and false.... and the list goes on and on.

But he still couldn't forget his friend, Xisuma, joe, and keralis, who had recently rejoined, couldn't either.

They all assumed he was dead.

I mean, how would he survive being caught in between worlds?


It was a frantic day on the hermitcraft server, as they prepared for a world hop, to 'season six'.

"Iskall wake up!" Mumbo shook his friend awake.


"I'll be making breakfast!" mumbo said, Iskall looked horrified.

"Oh no- what did I do to deserve this? please don't! we both know how bad a cook you are!"

"Well at least i'm better than you at it- ohh, wait, you can make scrambled eggs... i'd just burn them...never mind"

Iskall's insanely contagious laughter broke out after this sentence.

something about this moment had a strange deja vu feeling to mumbo.

He ignored it.


"Remember, we must cross as quickly as possible, we don't want to take the risk of being caught in between worlds" Said X, not taking his eyes off mumbo, who in the last world jump had nearly been trapped.

they all nodded as the portal began opening.

"in we go!"

they crossed through with zero issues, now the world before them stood, completely new, fresh and empty!--

Wait... there was someone already there...?

He was awfully familiar to joe, x, keralis and mumbo.

Sort of like an old college friend?

But there was no way that was him... he had burn marks all over the visible parts of his body (face, and arms from the shoulder down), His hair was frayed, and... one of his hands were missing... OH MY GOD, THIS GUY'S MISSING ONE OF HIS HANDS.

Apart from that he looked like- no... it couldn't be... It looked like, Grian, From the red sweater to the dirty blonde hair.

This was impossible.

Grian was dead.

What kind of sick games were their brains playing on them?

It couldn't be... He can't possibly be alive, can he?

X walked towards the person, despite the hermit's shouts-- the man seemed to be no older than 25, around the age grian would be-- the moment he told this to the others, mumbo, Joe and keralis were shocked , mumbo looked like he was going to cry, Joe like he was about to blurt out a poem, and keralis, was, well, wide eyed-- the rest of the hermit's were confused, not knowing who grian was.

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