Question of the day!

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Question of the day! (I wanna start this--): How'd you meet your current best friend(s)?

I met my current best friend, (Matt) about six years ago.

I was crying in the corner of the playground after an encounter with bullies, it hit me really hard in that moment because it was my happiest era, the one where I had the most friends, even if they were all fake, so it was surprising.

Matt found me, at first I pushed him away, not thinking that he deserved to be friends with me, that he was too good for me.

But he was so persistent, he'd sit with me in lunch, offer me support when needed, and just be there generally, no matter how much I tried to push him away.

I eventually accepted it, no less than a year later I met M.E when she moved here from Brazil.

It was basically the same thing but the other way around with her, I was the persistent one.

But... she's not here anymore...

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