Chapter 4: Winter

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"You eloped in Paris?" I asked Rami and Lucy. None of us could believe what they just told us. Rami and Lucy both just nodded again. At this point, Lilly's Aunt and Grandmother had left. They seemed uninterested in our conversation.

"How did that happen?" Rory asked.

"Well we knew we were coming back to the states," Lucy started. "So we decided to take a little trip to Paris before we left Europe for a while. One night, it was beautiful outside and the city looked so beautiful and romantic, so we just decided to get married on a whim."

"Neither of us are really into the big wedding thing," Rami added. "This is a beautiful wedding, for Lilly and Roger, but it's just not us."

"Well, that's wonderful that you got married!" Lilly said. "And you said you were leaving Europe for a while? Are you staying here?"

"Actually yes," Rami said. "We're going to stay for the summer."

"Although now that we know about Veronica's pregnancy, we might have to stay longer!" Lucy said happily. "I want to meet that baby!" John and Veronica smiled happily as they both rubbed her belly.

"I wish you guys would move here," I said.

"I wish somebody else would move here," Rory said, looking over at Mason.

"We're not discussing this right now," Mason said.

"Well we have to discuss it at some point," Rory said. Mason sighed.

"Fine," he said. "You want to do this now?" Rory shrugged and urged him to continue. "I'm not moving here Rory," Mason said.

"I know you don't want to move now, but-"

"No, Rory," Mason interrupted her. "I'm not moving here ever. I hate this place. It's too hot, there are earthquakes and fires and pollution and way too many stuck up celebrities."

"I don't understand," Rory said. "You hate LA now? A few months ago you said you wanted to live with me!"

"I never said I wanted to live with you here," Mason argued. "Why can't you move back to New York."

"Mason, my whole life is here now," Rory said. "My job and pretty much all my friends are in this city. There is nothing for me back in New York."

"Except your parents," Mason said.

"They support me," Rory said. "And I can always visit them! Look what is this really about? Are you worried about money? I can help you get out here!"

"Oh great," Mason said. "This is not an appropriate time to brag about your wealth, Rory!" The two of them started yelling back and forth at each other incoherently. It got so intense, we barely noticed our next little problem wandering into the wedding reception.

"Chrissy?" Brian suddenly said, alerting all of us to her presence, except for Mason and Rory, who were still yelling at each other.

"Hi Brian," Chrissy said.

"What are you doing here?" Brian asked.

"Brian," Chrissy started. "I know we haven't seen each other in a long time... about three years in fact, but I've missed you. I came to tell you I want you back."

"Oh fuck no!" Lilly suddenly shouted. Everyone looked over at her, including Rory and Mason. "I am so sick of this shit happening!" Lilly yelled. "Every time we're all together some stupid drama happens that makes everyone uncomfortable! This is my wedding! Roger and I got married and to make it even better, we found out John and Veronica are having a baby and Lucy and Rami tied the knot! This is a happy occasion!"

"I'm sorry, Lilly," Rory said.

"Save it," Lilly said. "Look this has been a great day and I plan on keeping it that way. So here's what's going to happen: Rory and Mason, either one of you moves or you break up because you can't keep doing this long-distance thing, but you're not deciding that tonight. Just be civil and deal with this problem on a day that is not my wedding day!" Rory nodded rapidly and she and Mason left to go get a drink.

"Good," Lilly continued. "Chrissy, I don't know why you're here, I didn't invite you."

"Well I just wanted to see Brian," Chrissy said.

"Brian do you want to get back together with Chrissy?" Lilly asked him.

"No," Brian said without a second thought. "I'm in love with Anita."

"There's your answer Chrissy," Lilly snapped. "Goodbye."


"She said goodbye!" I interrupted Chrissy. Chrissy left and Lilly sighed in relief.

"I need a drink," she said.

"I'll get you something," I said. "I could use one too." Lilly nodded and I walked over to the bar to get her something. When I got there I saw her little sister, Rose, sitting down. She looked sad. I walked over to her and said hi.

"Oh hi, Winter," Rose said. "Does Lilly need me for something?"

"No," I said. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok. You look down."

"Oh I'm fine," Rose said sarcastically. "I'm just questioning all my life decisions and my sexuality."

"Why is that?" I asked her.

"I'm worried I only want to be a lawyer because my father wants me to," she said.

"That's interesting," I said. "But I was more interested in the sexuality thing." Rose chuckled slightly.

"Oh yeah, that," Rose said. "My boyfriend and I broke up because he thought I had a thing for my best friend and I'm starting to understand why he thought that."

"So you think you might like girls?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure," Rose said. "I think I had real feelings for my friend but... I mean what is sex even like between two women? I feel like I have to know that before I can know if I like them." I raised my eyebrows and looked at her. "What?" She asked.

"I may be able to help you with that?" I said.

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