Chapter 23: Ella

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Gwilym and I didn't really talk on the way back to the hotel. When we got back, the silence was really starting to get to me, so I finally spoke up.

"Are you just never going to speak to me again?" I asked him.

"I have to think about it," he said, mockingly.

"That was harsh," I said.

"I just don't understand what there is to think about," Gwilym said. "I thought you loved me!"

"I do!" I said.

"Then why don't you want to be with me?" He asked.

"I do want to be with you," I replied. "This isn't about you, it's about me. I'm just... I'm worried Gwil."

"About what?" He asked me.

"You know I can't have kids," I said after a brief pause. "And you're ok with it, for now, but what about five or ten years from now? What if you decide you want kids and I can't give them to you, and you resent me for it? What then?"

"Ella," Gwilym said softly, moving closer to me. "I would never resent you for that. It's not your fault you can't have kids. I want to marry you because I'm in love with you, not because I'm hoping to have a family one day."

"So you don't want kids?" I asked him.

"I don't know yet," he said. "I haven't thought that far ahead, but what I do know that I love you and I want to marry you. If down the line we both decide we want kids, there are other options. We could always get a surrogate mother."

"Ooh or we could adopt!" I chimed in. "There are so many kids who need loving homes." Gwilym smiled softly.

"That's an option too," he said. "Whatever we decide to do, we'll do it together because we love each other." I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"Ok," I said. "That makes me feel better."

"I'm glad," he said. "Does that mean you're done thinking about it?" I smiled and kissed him softly.

"Yes," I said. "I'd love to marry you."

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