Chapter 7: Lilly

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It turned out Rory was pregnant. She seemed happy about the baby even though she didn't want Mason to be involved. Joe thought she seemed upset and insisted she was hiding something, but I think he was just being paranoid. Besides, I had other things to think about. I was starting to suspect I may be pregnant as well. In fact, I had thought I was for a long time, but I was too scared to check. I finally got up the nerve and decided to take the test. Waiting for the results was the longest three minutes of my life. When my timer finally went off, I looked at the test and realized I was right. Pregnant. I took three more tests just to be sure, but they were all positive. There was no way they were all wrong. Now for the hardest part: I had to tell Roger. That was not going to be easy. I was anxiously waiting for him to get back from the studio when he walked in, an hour late.

"Hi baby," he said. "Sorry, I'm late. We were recording a song and you know how much of a perfectionist Freddie is." I laughed softly.

"I do," I said. "Last week he asked me to help him paint the wall in his den, but then Delilah stepped in the paint and stretched onto the wall leaving paw prints. He scolded her and we had to redo the whole thing." Roger laughed slightly and came over to give me a kiss.

"So," he said. "I have some great news! I was talking to the boys and our manager, and we decided Queen is going to go on a year-long tour of the United States! Isn't that great?"

"No!" I said, a little too dramatically. Roger gave me a confused look. "A tour sounds like a wonderful idea," I said. "But you can't leave me for a year. Not right now."

"Oh baby," Roger said. "I know we've only been married for a few months and you want to be together. I'm not saying I'm going to leave you, you can come with me!"

"I really can't do that," I said. "Not in my... current state."

"What are you talking about?" Roger asked. I sighed and took his hand, leading him into the bathroom. "What's going on?" He asked. "Are we going to make love in the shower?"

"What? No!" I said, making Roger sigh. "I brought you in here to show you these." I picked up the pregnancy tests from the counter and showed them to Roger. "This is why I can't go on tour with you," I said.

"You're pregnant?" Roger asked. I nodded slowly.

"Look I don't want to hold you back," I said. "If you really want to go on tour-"

"Are you joking?" Roger interrupted. "I'm not going anywhere! This is fantastic news, we're going to be parents!" He lifted me up and spun me around, kissing my cheek repeatedly, which made me giggle.

"I'm so glad you're happy about this!" I said with a smile.

"Of course I am!" Roger replied. "I love you and I'm going to love our baby just the same!" I smiled and gave him a kiss. When I pulled away he looked at me with a smirk.

"Can we take a shower now?" I giggled and kissed him again.

"Why not?" I said. Roger smiled as Roger kissed me and turned the shower on. I was so happy that he was happy about this. What was I worried about?

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