Chapter 49: Ella

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Our little group was growing faster than I ever thought it would. On the same day Rory, Joe and Ben brought Jack home from the hospital, Veronica gave birth to her second child. She had a little boy named Cameron, who was only about a month younger than Jack. Now our group at two baby boys and two baby girls. 

Since we had no children and seven of our friends did, Gwilym and I spent a lot of time visiting our friends and their little ones. Of course, that was after our amazing two-week honeymoon in Greece. 

Watching our friends with their babies was a quite an educational experience. Lilly had the twins routine down perfectly. It was so perfectly calculated it almost seemed impossible, but it was even more insane that she got Roger to follow it. Rory, Ben and Joe were all gushing over baby Jack, and John and Veronica were about as organized as the parents of two young boys could be. They did all have one thing in common though; they were all wonderful parents. 

After visiting the babies all day, I was exhausted, but Gwilym seemed almost giddy. He couldn't stop smiling. I smiled and looked at him as we sat down for dinner. 

"What are you so happy about?" I asked him.

"I want to have a baby!" He blurted out. I didn't know how to respond to that. 

"I..." I started. "What?"

"I'm sorry," Gwilym said. "I didn't mean to scare you, darling, but seeing all those babies today is really making me want a baby. We don't have to do anything until you're ready, I just started thinking about you holding a baby in your arms that belongs to both of us and... it just made me really happy."

"Oh, sweetie," I cooed. "That's very sweet, but you know I can't have children."

"I know," he said. "But there are other options. We can use a surrogate or adopt."

"I think I'd rather adopt honestly," I said. Gwilym looked at me and smiled.

"Really?" He said. 

"Yeah," I replied. "I think it would feel good to take in a child who doesn't have a home."

"So do I," Gwilym said with a smile. "Let's look into it."

"Great," I said. "There's just one more thing. I know you love babies, but I think we should look into adopting an older child." Gwilym gave me a confused look. 

"Why?" He asked. 

"Everyone wants babies," I said. "The older kids never get to find forever homes and they're stuck in the system. Oh my gosh... let's become foster parents!" Gwilym thought about it for a minute. 

"That actually sounds like a wonderful idea," Gwilym said. "We could give a home to children who need them. We'll try to find some information tomorrow!"

I smiled as he kissed my cheek. I was so happy to be doing this with the man I loved. 

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