Chapter 15: Rory

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*Three Weeks Later*

My first month of chemo was over and I was waiting to hear from the doctor about my progress. I was insanely nervous, but my friends were here for me as they had been throughout this whole process, especially Lilly and Freddie. I think having Freddie by her side made Lilly feel better, and having both of them with me was helpful for me. They came with me to my appointment, and Lilly even found me a wig that looked almost exactly like my real hair, which gave me a little more confidence. Dr. Green came into the office with a straight face. That could mean anything.

"Hello Rory," he said. "Hello, Lilly and Freddie. How is everyone?"

"Nervous," I said. Freddie grabbed my hand and squeezed a little. "I hope you have good news for me," I continued.

"Actually," Dr. Green said. "I do have good news. Miraculous news in fact. You're in remission." All three of us sighed in relief and smiled.

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"I can't believe it either," he said. "One month of treatment is rarely enough to put you in remission, but in your case, it worked."

"So where do we go from here?"

"I want to see you once a month for the next six months," Dr. Green said. "If you stay in remission for that long, we'll decrease our appointments to once every six months, then eventually once a year. Other than that, you don't need to see me unless you feel any symptoms or if you get a cold or a fever. Colds and fevers don't always mean something, but your immune system is still weak, so I would still like to see you if you are sick."

"That sounds like a good plan," I said. "Thank you so much, Dr. Green."

"Of course," he said. "Congratulations, Rory. Also, congratulations to Freddie on your engagement and Lilly on trying for a baby." Lilly shot Freddie a look and he giggled.

"I may have mentioned it to him," Freddie said.

"Lilly, that's so wonderful!" I said to her. "I'm so glad you're trying again!"

"Well, we haven't started yet," Lilly said. "We're going to, though. I just felt like right now I needed to be here for you."

"Well stop that!" I said. "I'm in remission so you all need to stop focusing on me. In fact, call everyone over to my place, I have something to say to them!" Freddie called everyone over and we met them all back at my house. We even called Rami and Lucy on facetime so they could be involved in this.

"What is going on Rory?" Winter asked me.

"Everyone," I said. "I have news. I'm in remission." Everyone cheered happily and smiled.

"That's wonderful, Rory," Lucy said through the facetime call.

"It is," I said. "Because it means I can stop going through chemo. It also means that you can all stop worrying about me and focus on your own lives. Freddie and Jim, start planning your wedding. John and Veronica, spend as much time as you possibly can with your son. Anita and Brian, spend some quality time together because I know you haven't in a long time. And Lilly and Roger, go fuck each other so we can have another tiny family member."

"Rory!" Lilly said with a gasp.

"I could have said that better," I said. "But I stand by it. I know you both want to have a baby, so just do it already! Everyone else, find something you want to do for yourself and do it!" I started walking to the kitchen to get a drink after my little speech and Gwilym followed me.

"Rory," he said. "I know what I want to do for myself."

"Oh good," I said. "What is it?"

"I want to marry Ella," he said. "But I want to do it right. I want to find the perfect ring and the perfect spot and the perfect time. Will you help me?"

"Of course I will," I cooed. "You're so sweet! Let's find that perfect ring." Gwilym smiled as I went to get my laptop.

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