Chapter 41: Rory

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"When are they going to call us in," Ben whined as we sat in the waiting room of my doctor's office. "We've been here forever."

"Ben, it's been like ten minutes," I said. "Just relax, they'll call us soon."

"Aurora," the nurse called from the door. The three of us got up and walked into the exam room.

"Hello Rory," Dr. Camden greeted me. "Hello Ben and Joe. How is everyone doing today? Any morning sickness or nausea?"

"Only when I drink milk," Joe joked. Dr. Camden laughed slightly.

"You're lactose intolerant, Joe," she said. "That one is on you. How about you, Rory?"

"Not really," I said. "Wait is that bad? Should I be having morning sickness?"

"Not at all," she said. "Every mommy-to-be is different. You're lucky that you're feeling good. Shall we get started?" I nodded and she started the ultrasound. "Everything looks great here," she said. "Your due date should be... April 26th. Twelve weeks in and your baby is developing wonderfully. In fact, they're pretty big for this time. You might be looking at an eight or nine pounder."

"Wow," I said nervously. "That's a... big baby."

"Is it too early to tell the sex?" Ben asked.

"I don't want to know the sex," Joe said. "It should be a surprise."

"No it shouldn't," Ben argued. "We need to know."

"Well, Dr. Camden said. "We won't be able to tell that for about eight more weeks. You have plenty of time to discuss whether or not you want to know. As of right now, all we know is the baby is healthy and developing well."

We thanked Dr. Camden and left the office. When we left, we decided to go get lunch.

"So," Joe said. "Can we tell our friends about this now?"

"I don't know," I said. "Last time we planned on telling them, Lilly went into labor. I can't help feeling like something else will happen if we try to announce it now."

"Like what?" Ben asked. "Nobody else is pregnant."

"I know that," I said. "But there's plenty going on. Ella and Gwilym could announce their wedding date, Veronica could want to talk about Robert's first birthday, which is happening very soon, or Lucy could announce she's pregnant."

"I doubt that," Joe said. "If anyone is pregnant again, it's Veronica."

"Why does anybody besides Rory have to be pregnant?" Ben asked. "Nobody else is pregnant! Can we please just tell our friends?"

"I will think about it," I said. "You're being very impatient today, Ben. You need to chill." Ben rolled his eyes and Joe laughed softly.

"We will have to tell them eventually Rory," Joe said. "Somebody is going to find out. Knowing our friends, Lilly and Freddie will find out any time now."

"Freddie is more likely," Ben said. "Lilly's so busy with the babies."

"You're both wrong," I said. "Lucy will find out first. She probably already knows. Lucy knows all."

"Since when?" Joe asked.

"Since always," I said. "But she won't say anything, and if Freddie finds out, he'll only tell Jim... and Lilly."

"Lilly will probably tell Roger," Ben said.

"Who might tell Brian and John," Joe said. "Which would mean Veronica and Anita would know, and that only leaves Gwilym, Ella, Winter, and Rami."

"Not necessarily," Ben added. "Lilly could tell Ella and Winter, then Gwilym will know. And if Lucy knows, which she does, because Lucy knows all, Rami will know."

"So you're saying if we don't tell our friends about this, everyone will just find out anyway?" I asked. Ben and Joe nodded. "Fine," I said. "Let's tell them."

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