Chapter 6: Rory

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*Three Months Later*

"Rory," I heard Lilly from my front door. "I'm here! Where are you?"

"I'm in the bathroom," I called back. Lilly came in and gave me a confused look.

"Why are you on the floor?" She asked. 

"I'm nervous," I said. "The wait is killing me."

"What wait?" Lilly asked me. I sighed and pointed to the pregnancy test sitting on my bathroom counter. "That's why you called me over?" Lilly said. "You think you're pregnant?" 

"I'm almost positive," I said. "My period is super late." 

"How is this even possible?" She asked. "Didn't you break up with Mason right after my wedding?"

"Yes," I said. "But I may have hooked up with him when I went to visit my parents last month." Lilly folded her arms and gave me a judgy look. "I was lonely!" I defended myself. Lilly was about to say something when we heard the alarm on my phone go off. I pulled the pregnancy test off my counter and looked at it. Two pink lines.

"Maybe it's a false positive," Lilly said. 

"If it is, it's the third one," I said. 

"Still," Lilly said. "You should go to the doctor anyway. Just to... quadruple check." I nodded in agreement. I already had an appointment set later that day.

That appointment was the most stressful doctor's appointment ever. After an ultrasound and a blood test, my doctor sat me down to give me my results. 

"Just give it to me straight, Dr. Mcloud," I said. "Am I pregnant."

"You are," she said. "I'm actually surprised you need me to tell you that. Didn't you take three pregnancy tests?"

"I was hoping they were all flukes," I said. "But honestly, I think I knew they weren't." 

"There's something else we need to discuss," she said. 

"No the father won't be coming to my appointments," I said. "I'm not even sure I want to tell him about this." 

"Well that's your decision," Dr. Mcloud said. "But that's not it. Your blood test results revealed something else that's... well it's quite troubling honestly." 

"What is it?" I asked, growing more nervous.

"Rory," she said softly. "I'm afraid you have leukemia." 

"I'm sorry I blacked out for a minute there," I said. "What did you say?"

"You have cancer," she said. "I'm so sorry." 

"That's impossible!" I said. "I'm only twenty-four and I take good care of myself!" 

"Cancer can affect anybody," she said. "Of course some unhealthy habits make it more likely, but unfortunately even healthy people can still be diagnosed with it. I know this is a lot to take it, but you need to handle this as soon as possible. I have a colleague in the oncology department that I can refer you to. You need to get a bone marrow biopsy done to see what type of leukemia you have. After that, they'll decide what treatment is best for you."

"Ok," I said shakily. "What about my pregnancy? Can I keep my baby?" 

"Well, the Oncologist may have a different opinion," Dr. Mcloud started. "But I've had many patients who had cancer and they gave birth to healthy babies, despite going through chemo or radiation throughout their pregnancies. Some of them gave birth a little early, but both them and their babies were ok. There were, however, some who lost their babies. So if you're willing to take the risk, I'd be happy to be your doctor." I thought for a minute and then looked at her.

"I want to do it," I said. "I want to have my baby."

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