Chapter 30: Lilly

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"Lilly, hear me out," Roger said as we got out of the car. "We need to find out the sex of our babies." We had just gone to my twenty-week appointment and Roger really wanted to know, but I thought we should wait.

"No, we don't," I argued. "It should be a surprise."

"Why?" Roger questioned. "Wasn't your hidden twin surprise enough?" I laughed softly as I unlocked the front door. We walked in and saw Winter sprawled out on the couch with pizza boxes and beer cans surrounding her. She had been living with us since the fire, which was only a few days ago, but it felt like it had been weeks.

"Well isn't this a pretty picture," I said sarcastically.

"Oh hey," Winter said. "I'll clean all this up when you guys leave for the baby doctor."

"We already went to the appointment, Winter," Roger said. "What have you been doing all day?"

"Well," Winter said. "I'm living on the couch of a married couple expecting twins and I haven't talked to my girlfriend since she burned my house down, so I've been watching TV, because I have nothing else going on."

"First of all," I said. "You're not living on the couch. You're living in our guest room. Secondly, I don't know how you can say you have nothing going on unless you've forgotten about your job - as my drummer. And third, you could easily make up with Rose. She didn't even go back to Boston yet, she's with her friend in Malibu, just a few hours from here. Drive down there and talk to her!" Winter sighed.

"I will think about it," Winter said. "How was your appointment?"

"Great," Roger said. "Except Lilly won't let me know the sex of our babies, even though it's in the envelope, in her hand!"

"I want to be surprised!" I argued again.

"Are you crazy?" Winter said. "Isn't the fact that you're having twins surprising enough?"

"That's what I said," Roger agreed with her.

"Lilly just think about this," Winter continued. "Not knowing the sex of your babies would be horrible. You'll have to think of names for both sexes when you could be thinking of names for just boys or just girls. Also, if you have a baby shower, everyone will get you gender neutral gifts when they could be getting you very gender specific gifts."

"I don't care about that," I said.

"Oh really?" Winter said. "You know what color clothes people usually get for babies when they don't know the sex? Yellow. You hate yellow."

"I do hate yellow," I mumbled. Roger gave me a pleading look and I sighed.

"Alright, I'll make a deal with you," I said to Winter. "We will open this envelope and find out the sex of our babies, if you promise that right after you will drive to Malibu and talk to Rose!"

"Fine," Winter agreed.

"Yes!" Roger cheered. "Open it, open it!" I giggled and opened the envelope. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to prepare myself before I looked at the note.

"I can't do it," I said. "Baby, you read it to me." I handed Roger the note and he smiled as he looked at it. He didn't say anything for a few minutes and Winter and I stared at him.

"Oh my God, would you just tell us already!" Winter yelled.

"Alright," Roger said. "We're having two... girls." A huge smiled spread across my face as I practically leapt into Roger's arms. He laughed softly and hugged me tightly. I kissed him as he released me and we both smiled.

"Ok then," Winter said. "I guess a deal's a deal. I'm off to Malibu." Winter grabbed her keys and her purse and headed out the door.

"She didn't clean up any of her mess," Roger said sadly after she left.

"Who cares?" I said happily. "We're having two baby girls and we have the house to ourselves again! This is wonderful!" Roger smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I love seeing you this happy, baby," he said.

"I love being this happy," I said. "And I love you."

"I love you too," Roger said. He kissed me again before we started cleaning up Winter's mess.

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