Chapter 26: Lilly

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It was time for my sixteen week check-up, but Roger was too busy to come with me on the day of the appointment. Queen had set aside some time to record before I booked the appointment. Roger offered to tell the guys he couldn't go so he could go to my appointment with me, but I told him that wasn't necessary. The guys hadn't been recording a lot lately, so I thought it was wrong for him to push it back more. Besides, I didn't want him to come to this appointment with me. I had a question that I had to ask my doctor and I was a little embarrassed to ask it in front of Roger.

"Hello Lilly," Doctor Quinn said as she walked into the room. "How are you feeling today? Any naseau?"

"No, not really," I said. "Although, I seem to hate peanut butter right now, which is weird, because I usually love it." Doctor Quinn laughed softly.

"That can happen," she said. "But it's completely normal. Why don't you lie back and we'll take a look at that belly." I smiled and lied back on the table. She sat down and started my ultrasound. a few minutes in, she made a weird face and my smile dropped.

"This is odd," she said.

"Oh no," I said. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh don't worry Lilly," she said. "Nothing is wrong. The babies are healthy and growing normally."

"Oh wonderful," I said. "That's so - wait a minute... did you say babies? Plural?"

"I did," Doctor Quinn said. "It appears you're having twins, Lilly."

"What?" I said in shock. "I'm already four months pregnant! How did we not know this before?"

"It appears you had a hidden twin," she said. "It's rare, but it happens with identical twins, meaning twins who occurred because one egg split. Hidden twins are usually only missed in the first two months, but it is possible for them to go undetected up until twenty weeks."

"So I'm having twins?" I asked.

"Identical twins," Doctor Quinn confirmed. "We can't tell what their gender will be until about four weeks from now, but since they're identical, I can tell you it will either be two boys or two girls."

"This is insane," I said. "Roger's going to freak out. Plus, I'm going to have to give birth to two babies! I can't do that!"

"Don't panic, Lilly," she said. "Giving birth to two babies is not that different than giving birth to one. And I think Roger will be happy about this! He was certainly happy when he found out you were pregnant."

"I guess that's true," I said, relaxing a little bit.

"Alright then," Doctor Quinn said. "Well other than that little surprise, everything looks normal. Both babies are healthy and growing normally and you are doing great. Do you have any other questions for me before we finish up?"

"Yes, actually," I said. "Lately I've been... well I've been really... how do I say this... I can't seem to keep my hands... off of... my husband." Doctor Quinn chuckled softly.

"Are you trying to tell me that you're horny, Lilly?" She asked me.

"Like all the time!" I blurted out. "And more than I used to be! What's up with that?" Doctor Quinn laughed again and smiled at me.

"That's completely normal," she said. "It happens to a lot of women at this stage of pregnancy. Your hormones are going to crazy it makes you want to jump everyone's bones."

"So what do I do about it?" I asked.

"I say embrace it," she continued. "In a few months, you won't want Roger within five feet of you."

"So it's ok to have sex when I'm this far along?" I asked her.

"Oh, absolutely," she said. "It's perfectly safe."

"Well, that's good to know," I said. "Thank you, Doctor Quinn." I left my appointment and went home to see Roger. He was sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Hi baby," he said. "How was your appointment?" He kissed me and I just stared at him for a second. I wanted to tell him we were having twins, but when he kissed me, I completely forgot about that. I just kissed him back passionately and jumped into his arms.

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