chapter 3

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Hey guys thanks to all of you who have read my story! I hope you guys like it  I was supposed to upload yesterday but I had a busy weekend, on Saturday I went to the homecoming dance. It was soo much fun! And yesterday I went out with my family. We went to golden corral. I LOVE THAT PLACE. If niall went there I think he would approve :p  anyways I’m here now so on with the story……

Chapter 3.


                I felt like I was going to be asleep forever. And honestly at this moment I didn’t really care. I had a huge headache and whoever it was yelling my name wasn’t helping.

                “Brooke? Brooke? Wake up Brooke.” The annoying voice said.

                “I think we should just let her rest mate” Said another more quiet voice.

                “Yes we should just let her rest” I said back not opening my eyes.

                “Brooke! You’re awake!!” said the very loud and irritating voice.

                “Do you have to be so loud!?” I asked very annoyed. I swear these guys can be very loud at times.

                “Oh sorry. How are you feeling?”  I opened my eyes and saw Niall standing above me. That explains the loud annoying voice. Next to him was Liam. Where was everyone else? I lifted my head from the seat and instantly felt the plane going in circles.

                “I’ve been better. Where is everyone else?” I asked

                “Umm… do you remember what happen on the plane before you blacked out?” Asked Liam. I was so confused, but tried to think back to before I blacked out. All I remember was everyone screaming and the plane shaking. After that everything went black.

                “All I remember is the plane shaking… Wait what happen?” I asked. Niall look at me with a look I could not understand. He looked scared almost.

                “Um well before you blacked out the plane started shaking. None of us knew what was going on and I’m not sure if you remember hearing a big boom but, that boom was one of the plane’s wing engines. I guess something happened to it and… well... we um…” Liam looked around he was hiding something from me. But what could it be. I looked around and noticed I couldn’t hear the plane flying anymore. I looked out the window and saw the setting sun and the ocean just under it. I looked over a bit and saw some sand. Wait sand?!  I jumped out of my seat and ran to the front of the plane. I looked out the door and saw that we were on what seemed to be an island.

                “Where are we?” I asked Liam.

“Well before you blacked out the plane crashed on this island. When we finally hit the ground we noticed you had hit your head against the table. You’ve been out for a half hour I think.” Said Liam. Millions of thoughts ran through my head. How could we have crashed on an island? And where was everyone else? Had the fallen out of the plane or something? Oh my goodness!

                “Where is everyone else?!” I asked afraid of what the answer would be.

                “They went to explore the island.” Said Niall. How could they be so calm! We were stuck on an island for god’s sake!!  

                “How the hell are you guys so calm about this!?” I asked a bit annoyed. More like yelled. I began to get off the plane.

                “Sweet cheeks, we’re One Direction. I’m sure by tomorrow there will be like five helicopters here tomorrow. And besides we love camping. It will be like a little camping vacation on the beach.” Said Curly who appeared out of who knows where. I still could not believe they were taking everything so calmly.

                “First of all don’t call me sweet cheeks, got it. Second of all I still don’t understand how you guys are taking this so lightly! WE ARE STUCK ON AN ISLAND!!”  I said in a loud voice.

                “Like Harry said, we’re One Direction people are going to notice we are gone. And once they do they will not stop till they find us.” Said Liam. I was about to punch someone! How could they be so calm about things!

                “That could take forever!” I said.

                “Come on what’s so bad about spending time with us? Were all friends here right?” Asked Curly putting his arm around me. I shoved it off. I admit he was a cool guy, in fact they all seemed really nice, but we were in no way shape or form friends. I Barley even knew them! Well I guess you can say me and Niall were friends. Liam was friendly to. I hadn’t really talked to Zayn or the girls. And Louis well I don’t think I need to talk to him to know that he’s a cool guy. I could hear him the whole flight.

                “Yeah.” Said Niall. “It’ll be like a camping trip. Except we have a plane to sleep in, and food inside. And a bathroom!” He smiled hopefully at me. It’s not like I can do anything about it anyways. We were stuck here for who knows how long.

                “Well I guess I’m going to have to liv with it. It’s not like I can go anywhere, or do anything about it.” I had to accept the reality.

                “That’s the spirit! Now come on lets go find the other. We need to find a way to start a fire.” Said Curly while smiling at me. He was such a flirt! I think that’s what annoyed me about him. He was just like the boys from my high school always flirting with everyone. Hopefully he would be different though. I mean if I was going to have to spend who knows how long on this island with him and the others. Looks like I was going to be getting to know the lovely five a bit more than I wanted to.

Well here is chapter 3 guys! I hope you enjoy it. Sorry I was so short. I swear ill make up for it in the next chapter. Well what do you think so far?? Comment, fan, like, etc. you know what to do. Also give me feedback on what you think so far.  Till next time xoxo.

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