extra bubbles please

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(Your POV)

I sit on the train on the way back to mine and Timothée's shared New York City apartment stressing about work. I've been working on a huge pitch for a big fashion magazine, but I learned today that the timeline has changed. Instead of a deadline a month away, I have to finish everything by the end of the week, leaving me no time to prepare. If I do well, I could get a promotion, but if I fail, I could lose my job. To say that I'm stressed is an understatement.

The train halts to a stop and the automatic doors open. I quickly make my way out of the train and onto the subway platform, walking past the swarm of people in rush hour traffic. I hurry up to the sidewalk and to the apartment. The only thing keeping me from having a mental breakdown is knowing that the love of my life is waiting for me at home.

I reach the apartment and unlock the door, opening it to the delicious smell of freshly baked cookies: my favorite. When I walk into the kitchen, I see Timothée covered in flour and ingredients scattered across the countertops.

"Oh, hey, baby," Timothée says as he looks up at me. "I made cookies!" he says with a smile.

"Good, I could use some," I respond, taking a bite out of the chocolate chip cookie Timothée handed me. I nearly groan at the delicious taste. "I definitely needed this."

"Why, what happened?" I proceed to tell Timothée all about my dilemma.

"... and that is why these cookies are very important to me right now."

Timothée walks around the counter and wraps me in his arms, squeezing me tightly. "You still seem a little stressed. Let me fix that for you."

Timothée peppers kisses along my neck, stopping at the sweet spot behind my ear. I roll my head back and gasp, relaxation and lust washing over me. Timothée travels along my jawline, coming up to my lips and staying there for a while.

After our short make out session, Timothée walks away, leaving me alone in the kitchen. "Um. What are you doing?" I say, still a little breathless.

"Just stay there," Timothée yells to me from the bathroom.

I munch on another cookie while I wait for Timothée to return. When he finally does, he bows and reaches out his hand to me.

"M'lady, there is a surprise waiting for you in the bathroom."

I grab Timothée's hand and he leads me through the apartment and to the bathroom. When he opens the door, small tea light candles surround the bathtub, which is filled with bubbles. Soft music plays from a speaker in the background.

"You did this all for me?" I wonder our kid. Maybe it's the romantic sentiment or the stress kicking in, but tears fall from my eyes.

"Hey, hey, don't cry. This is supposed to make you relaxed not stress you out," Timothée says, putting his hands on my shoulders. I laugh and he gives me one of his gorgeous smiles. "And besides, you deserve this. You've been working so hard lately."

I hug Timothée and give him another kiss.

"Now let me help you," Timothée says pulling away. He takes off my dress, bra, and underwear and leads me to the tub, holding my hand as I step into the warm water. I watch as he pulls his shirt over the back of his head and slips his pants off before taking his place across from me in the tub.

"This bath is missing something..." Timothée says.

"More bubbles!" I respond.

"Ah, yes, of course." Timothée reaches over and grabs the bottle of bubble bath, pouring more in. I watch the lavender scented bubbles rise with awe. From the corner of my eye, I can see Timothée watching me with a soft smile on his face.

"Much better," I say once he's finished.

Timothée grabs a handful of bubbles and places them against his chin, creating a bubble beard. I burst out laughing and do the same, giving myself a mustache, too. I then reach over and put bubbles on Timothée's head, soaking his dark curls in lavender, soapy bubbles.

We both look at each other in silence before bursting out laughing.

"I think I like you better with the beard," Timothée says. I gasp and out my hand on my chest, pretending to be hurt. Then I splash him in the face and watch water droplets slide across his chiseled features.

"You're so dead." Timothée proceeds to splash me with water, washing away my frothy white beard.

"Aww, guess you got the beardless Y/N back," I say, laughing again.

"It's okay, she's still the most beautiful girl on the planet."

I blush and his words and tuck a strand of my Y/H/C hair behind my ear. Timothée slides over to me, our chests nearly touching and our faces inches apart. I can feel my breathing get shallower and I'm sure he can hear my heart beating out of control. We've been dating for over a year, but he still has the intoxicating effect on me.

Timothée stares at me for a while. I watch his bluish-green eyes examine my features. "What are you thinking?" I ask after a while.

"I'm thinking about how I am the luckiest guy in the world to have a girl like you."

"Stop," I say, blushing, but secretly wishing he would go on.

"No, I mean it. You're drop dead gorgeous, for starters. But you're also sweet, and kind, and thoughtful, and hilarious, and smart. You are so hard working and give everything your all." Tears start welling in my eyes. "I know, you've been stressed lately, but no matter how things turns out, I want you to know how perfect I think you are."

I'm afraid that if I speak, my voice will shake and crack, so instead, I mean in and kiss him with so much force he nearly falls back into the water. He kisses back, and soon, we're tangled together. My hands tangle in his chocolate brown curls and his hold me close to him. I kiss him like I've been waiting to kiss him for so long. When we pull apart, we're both out of breath. I rest my forehead against his, wrapping my arms around his body.

"I fucking love you, Timothée."

"I fucking love you more, Y/N."

Oh, and that pitch? I nailed it.


hello readers! i hope you enjoyed! i LOVE this one sm, so i hope you love it just as much

i take requests! if you have an imagine you rlly want me to write, lmk!

thanks so much for reading! please please like, share, and follow for more!

much love, lyra <3

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