sex scene *request*

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this was requested by @trishhhhalankston! enjoy! <3 (btw this is NOT SMUT! you'll see...)

(Your POV)

The film comes to an end and a roaring applause comes from the audience. Timothée, along with the rest of the cast and the director, stands up in the front of the theater and takes a bow, smiling and waving to the crowd.

Timothée's newest movie just came out, and we are currently at the premiere. It's been a long night full of paparazzi and interviews - all in an itchy dress and high heels, by the way - but it's all worth it for Timothée. He's worked so hard on the film and I would do anything to support his biggest passion.

Timothée takes his seat beside me once again and turns to face me.

"So... what did you think?" He asks, eagerly awaiting my review.

"I thought it was absolutely amazing! Obviously it would be, you're in it," I say, earning a blush and a chuckle from Timothée. "But seriously, I loved it. You should be proud."

"Really? You really mean it?" He asks.

"Of course!"

"And you were okay with, you know, the sex scene?"

I hesitate for a moment. I was hoping that Timothée wouldn't bring that part of the movie up. I know it's all fake and just part of his job, but watching Timothée fake-do-it with someone else made me uncomfortable. I mean, his co-star is Miranda Wright, one of Hollywood's most beautiful stars, for crying out loud. She's on the cover of every beauty magazine and has everyone swooning after her. And even though Timothée and I have been dating for almost two years and I know he loves me, I can't help but compare myself to his co-star. What does he think of me after doing such an intimate scene with Miranda?

After a moment, I clear the negative thoughts out of my mind and plaster a smile onto my face.

"Yeah, I'm okay with it. It'a just acting, right?" I lie. I don't want to start anything here. I can't ruin his big night.

"Okay. But you know you can be honest with me, right? If you are uncomfortable with it I'll completely understand."

"I know. But I promise I'm okay. Now let's get outside and start celebrating!"

Timothée and I stand up and make our way hand-in-hand out of the theater. We're immediately met by swarms of paparazzi and reporters dying for our take on the movie after seeing it for the first time. I let Timothée's publicist direct us to a reporter and am surprised when she wants to speak with me.

"So Y/N, I want to hear what you think," the bubbly reporter says into the microphone.

"Me? You want my review?" I ask. I'm surprised she asked, no one has ever cared about what I think of Timothée's work.

"Of course! This was the first time you ever saw the movie and you're one of the first people to watch it in it's entirety, so I want to know what you're thoughts are."

"Oh okay. Well, um, I thought it was great. The whole cast was phenomenal and they really worked well together. And the director is just a cinematic genius, so I knew before I even sat down that I was going to love it. They all just did a wonderful job, I highly recommend seeing this film if you get the chance."

Timothée, who is standing beside me, reaches for my hand and gives it a loving squeeze, as if to say a silent thank you for the praise.

"Well that's so great to hear," the reporter says. "But now I want to hear your thoughts on the steamy sex scene between Timothée and Miranda. What was it like watching that as Timothée's girlfriend? I imagine it may have been a little weird for you to see."

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