special autograph

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(Your POV)

As I stand amidst the crowd, I can barely hear my own voice over the screams of excited fans. My toes are being stepped on and hands keep flying into my face.

My best friend Y/B/F and I are at the premiere for Timothée Chalamet's new movie The King. He's my favorite actor and definitely my biggest celebrity crush. Y/B/F won free tickets to the premiere on the radio and invited me to come. We decided it would be best to get to the red carpet extra early so we could hopefully snag a picture with Timothée, and it's a good thing we did; we got a spot right against the fence with a perfect view of the cast. The only bad part? Everyone else will try anything to take your spot.

After a good half hour of fighting off eager fans, the cast finally appeared and everyone directed their attention to them instead of trying to take our spots.

"Thank god. I was about ready to punch the next person who laid a finger on me," Y/B/F says, making me laugh.

"Same here."

We watch a bunch of cast members come through the red carpet and manage to get a few signatures, but the whole time Timothée is the only one on my mind. I can't wait until he gets here.

Just then, a limo pulls up and out walks Timothée surrounded by a small entourage. Screams erupt all around me, but I'm pretty sure my screaming is the loudest.

"Oh my god, he's even cuter in person!" I say to Y/B/F.

"I know. And you look great, he'll definitely notice you."

"Yeah right. In my dreams."

"And in your reality. Just give him your beautiful smile and say something charming."

"I don't think so..."

"Oh come on! Just try! You never know, you may have a thing with him if you do..."

I slap Y/B/F playfully on the arm and direct my attention back to Timothée. He is currently talking with a reporter from E! News, but he quickly looks over at the crowd while the reporter is talking. Timothée looks away but immediately turns his gaze back to the crowd. It looks as if he's looking at me, but that's probably just my imagination playing tricks on me.

From where I'm standing, I can just barely hear the reporter's voice.

"Timothée? Are you okay?" she asks after Timothée doesn't answer her question. He's still looking towards me.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I got distracted..."

The interview continues, but Timothée keeps stealing glances in my direction. Every time he looks over, my stomach does a somersault, but I have to keep reminding myself that he isn't looking at me.

The interview ends and Timothée is directed to take a few more photos before he can do autographs and meet the fans. The few minutes of photo-taking feels like forever; I just want to take a picture with him for gods sake!

Timothée is then allowed to come to the fans and meet them all. I'm standing towards the end of the line, so I have to watch him go through every other person before he gets to me. I swear that even though he's at the fan section, he still keeps looking over to me.

"OMG! Y/N! Timothée is totally checking you out!" Y/B/F exclaims.

"Pfff. No way. He's probably looking to see how many more people he has to talk to before he can relax."

"Nope. He's definitely looking at you."

I gulp. Maybe he really is.

After what seems like another lifetime, Timothée finally reaches me and Y/B/F.

"Hello, ladies. How are you doing this afternoon?" Timothée asks with a dashing smile.

"Good. I-I'm doing g-good," I stutter. Timothée Chalamet is actually standing right in front of me.

"She's a really big fan, she doesn't usually stutter this much," Y/B/F says. If looks could kill, the glare I gave her would've sent her right to the grave.

"Hahaha, that's totally fine. It happens all the time, don't worry about it," Timothée says to me. I can't manage to speak, so I just stare at him and smile.

"Want a photo?" Timothée asks after a moment.

"Oh yes. I'd love one," I say. I hand Y/b/F my phone and Timothée leans across the barrier to wrap an arm around my shoulder. As soon as he touches me, an electric current shoots through my body, and I can tell he feels it too.

"Um, so I don't have anything about The King for you to sign, but could you sign this?" I ask, holding out a copy of Call Me By Your Name.

"I'd love to. What's your name?" Timothée asks as he takes the book and pen from me.


"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I blush furiously at that. Timothée seems to take a while to write his autograph and he hands it back with a wink. Timothée then says goodbye and makes his way inside the theater.

When I look down at the book, I nearly pass out. No way Timothée Chalamet wrote that for me.

To Y/N - I hope this film is good enough to impress a girl as stunning as you are.
Beneath his message is a phone number.

Y/B/F looks over my shoulder and screams into my ear when she reads it through.

"Damnit Y/B/F, I think you just shattered my eardrum."

"Sorry, but you just got Timothée fucking Chalamet's number!!!"

"I know..." I say before screaming. Y/B/F jump up and down like lunatics, and everyone else stares at us like we're crazy.

If only they knew what my autograph was...


howdy! hope you enjoyed! this isn't a very creative idea but i wanted to get something up and it's pretty cute so whatevs :)

remember that i take requests, so please pm me if u have any! i also have imagines for mena massoud and tom holland if ur interested, so check 'me out sometime! [shameless self-plug ;)]

plz like share and follow for more!

much love, lyra <3

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