kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

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(Your POV)

I walk out of the movie theater, Timothée's hand in mine, and am met with the night sky.

"Wow. I didn't realize how long that movie was," I say as I look up at the starts shimmering above. "I'm not ready for tonight to be over."

"Who said it had to be over?" Timothée says with a wink and a grin.

"What are you up to, Timothée?" I ask.

"You'll see. Come on, let's go."

Timothée runs toward the car and I follow closely behind him. He opens the door for me, such a gentleman, and quickly gets into the drivers seat. Turning the key in the ignition, the car roars to life.

Timothée pulls out of the movie theater parking lot and begins driving the opposite way of my apartment.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"You'll see. I promise you will like it," Timothée responds.

Neither one of us says anything else. Instead, we let the throwback music on the radio fill the silence. Timothée's hand finds its place on my thigh, a warmth spreading throughout me when he touches me. I roll down my window, letting the warm night air blow my hair around. I stick my hand out the window and feel the wind between my fingers. This is pure bliss.

After a few minutes, Timothée pulls up to an empty dirt parking lot at the top of a hill.

"Where are we?" I ask, not recognizing the location. "You aren't gonna kill me here, right?" Timothée just laughs and shakes his head.

"We're at the best place in the world to star gaze."

I immediately get all giddy inside. I know hardly anything about stars and constellations, but something about watching them twinkle away sounds so magical.

Timothée motions for me to get out of the car, so I do. He also gets up, and then climbs onto the hood of the car.

"Timothée!" I shout. "Get off the car!"

"Trust me, the view is good from up here."

Timothée reaches down for my hand. I reluctantly take it and he pulls me up onto the hood. He then clambers his way up so he's sitting on the roof of the car. I follow behind in.

"What if we sent the car? Or fall through?" I question. This is an expensive car, I don't want to damage it.

"Relax, baby. It'll be fine, I promise."

Timothée lays back and I do too, cuddling close to him. His arm slips around my waist and he pulls me even closer. I can smell his woodsy cologne.

Looking up at the stars takes my breath away. The sky is perfectly clear, and millions of stars for the night sky, shimmering brightly.

"See that right there?" Timothée asks, pointing to a cluster of stars in the distance. "That's the Big Dipper. And above it is the Little Dipper."

"Woah," I breathe out. I've seen the constellations in pictures before, but never in real life. "Is that bright star the North Star?" I ask, pointing to the brightest star in the sky, which is also part of the Little Dipper.

"Yes. And that constellation over there is also."

"Where, I can't see it?" I ask, searching in the direction of Timothée's pointed finger.

Timothée takes my hand in his and points I out the constellation with my hand. When we touch, sparks fly. I know he felt it too, because I can hear his breath hitch.

"See it?" Timothée whispers.

"Yes," I whisper back.

Timothée lowers my hand, but it still stays wrapped up in his big one. The two of us lay there, on top of the car, silently, for a moment.

"So how do you know so much about the stars?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"I don't know. I got into it as a little kid and I've kinda stuck to it since then."

"Do you ever wish you could live on another planet?" I ask, blurring out the first new question that came to mind.


"Why not? Don't you think it'd be cool to live somewhere else, even for a little bit?"

"No, because then I would be without you. And I never want to be without you."

My heart melts and butterflies erupt in my stomach. How does he still know how to make me feel this way, even after dating for all this time? When I regain my composure, I continue.

"Well what if we lived together on another planet? Then would you go?"

"If you're there, I don't care where we are. Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, doesn't matter."

I'm about to say something else when I here the faint sound of music playing from the radio in the car below.

"Wait... do you hear that?" I ask.

"Here what?"

"The song. It's Ed Sheeran's 'Thinking Out Loud', aka the perfect song to dance to right now."

"Say no more," Timothée says. He helps
Me off the roof of the car and turns the volume dial up in the car so the music can be heard better.

Timothée then takes my hand in his and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close. We rock back and forth to the beat of the music, dancing wordlessly. While we dance, I admire the look in Timothée's eyes. It's as if they, too, have a sky full of stars in them.

When Ed sings the line "Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars," Timothée smiles at me.

"Don't mind if I do," Timothée says.

He spins me around and then dips me, placing a gentle yet passionate kiss on my lips. The stars seems to shine even brighter when he kisses me, and I swear I see a shooting star streak across the sky.


hiya! i hope you all liked this imagine! i think it's my favorite one yet! this is also my dream date, so i may be just a lil but biased...

but seriously. doesn't this sound so romantic to you? ugh. i'm a sucker for romance and shit lol.

if there's a super cliché and sappy romance imagine (just like this one! lol) that you want me to write, pm me and i will write it for ya!

pls don't forget to like, share, and follow me for more imagines! all the support means the absolute world (and stars!) to me!

much love, lyra <3

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