girl next door

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(Timothée's POV)

As I sit in the taxi on the way back to my apartment, I find myself checking the time constantly. It seems like the clock is ticking faster than normal, but the traffic is moving at a snail's pace. Damn New York traffic, just this once I have somewhere to be and I really don't want to miss it.

Every weekday at 6:00, the girl that lives in the apartment next to mine walks through the lobby doors. I don't stalk her or anything, but I've heard her keys jiggling in her lock enough times to know when she usually gets home from work.

This girl next door is the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I've never talked to her, but I already know that she is so incredibly kind and sweet. She always gives the bellman at the apartment building entrance a hug or a high five. And when the elderly woman that lives down the hall needs help bringing up her groceries, she is always right there to lend a hand. When she walks in a room, people are just drawn to her.

I've tried talking to this girl, who's name I recently discovered was Y/N, more times than I can count. But every time I start, I get too nervous and keep my mouth shut. Not today though. Today I am determined to talk to her, even if it is only a minute long conversation on the elevator.

I check my phone one more time, seeing the numbers atop the screen read 5:59. Shit. There's no way I'll make it to my apartment in this taxi on time.

I pull some cash out of my wallet and hand it to the driver, not waiting for him to say anything before I open the door and bolt down the street. I only live two blocks away. If I run fast enough, I might make it in the knick of time.

Pushing past people on the sidewalk and earning a few select potty words from angry New Yorkers, I breeze past the bellman and into the lobby of my apartment building.

I see the elevator doors beginning to close, and Y/N's face right watching me from behind the metal doors. I dash through the lobby, sticking my hands between the elevator doors just as they are about to close. When the doors open up again, I slip inside.

My breathing is heavy and I know my face is bright red. I did just sprint two blocks, after all. Y/N eyes me up and down curiously.

"Are you okay?" Y/N blurts out.

"Huh? What? Yeah, I'm- I'm all good," I stutter out, trying to control my breathing.

"Are you sure, you're a little out of breath."

"Totally sure," I respond.

"Okay..." she says suspiciously, turning her attention away from me and to her cell phone.

I glance at the numbers on the elevator indicating which floor we are on and realize we're almost at our floor.

Come on, Timothée, say something! I think. You didn't just sprint two blocks and nearly knock over multiple people just to stand here awkwardly.

Gathering whatever courage I could muster, I clear my throat and turn to Y/N.

"I, uh, I don't think we've properly met before. I'm Timothée," I say.

"Hi Timothée, I'm Y/N."

I nearly melt at her words. There's something about hearing her say my name that makes my heart skip a beat. Not to mention that she looks absolutely stunning.

"It's kinda weird that we live right next door to each other and have never formally introduced ourselves, right?" Y/N says, trying to fill the awkward silence.

"I was just thinking that. It's been a while, I'm surprised we haven't talked at all."


Another awkward pause.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Y/N asks again.

"I- I am. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. I just always pegged you to be a smooth talker."

"Well I usually am. But something about being around a gorgeous girl like you makes me a little more nervous."

Y/N stares at me with wide eyes. The elevator door opens, but neither of us move.

"What did you say?" Y/N asks.

"I said that there's something about being around a gorgeous girl like you makes me a little more nervous."

"You think I'm gorgeous?" I can't help but notice the blush deepening on Y/N's cheeks.

"Of course I do. You're like, the most beautiful woman I think I've ever seen in my entire life. I've thought you were gorgeous since the day you moved in months ago. But I've been too big of a wimp to say anything to you."

"Oh wow..." Y/N says, taking everything in.

"But that was really weird to say," I begin, "and that was definitely inappropriate to say in the first conversation I ever have with you. I'm so sorry-"

"Stop," Y/N interrupts. "Don't apologize, I think it's cute."

"You do?"

"Yeah! A handsome guy like you stuttering and getting nervous over little ol' me? Plus, I think it's amazing that you had the guts to say it to me at all."

"Oh. Well thanks. Although it did take me like four months to work up the nerve."

"Hey, who cares? You eventually said it, right?"

"Guess so. So um, how about we get to know each other a little better - as neighbors. Would you maybe want to come over my place for dinner tomorrow night?" I ask nervously.

"I'd love to. Although I'd also love if it could be more than just a 'get to know each other as neighbors' thing, if you know what I mean."

"I do," I say with a grin that I can't hold back. "So it's a date?"

"It's a date."

Later that night, as I lay in bed trying to sleep, I can't stop thinking about Y/N. I never knew she would like me back, and how much I wish that we will become more than just neighbors.


howdy y'all! another imagine for ya! i hate this one sm but i have no ideas and it was quick to write lol. better imagines will be coming, i promise!

fyi - requests are open again! if you want to request an imagine, just message me with your name and idea! don't be shy, i promise i don't bite! lol but seriously don't hesitate to make a request!

if you happened to like this imagine, pls like, share, and follow me for more! thx! :)

stay safe and healthy!

much love, lyra <3

much love, lyra <3

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